Cruising thru the clayniverse


VeniceClayArtists 10th anniversary


G Zangaki--Egypte,-Deux-jeunes-femmes - 2 egyptian women with pots

Deux jeunes femmes – G Zangaki


‘Women using traditional pottery’


 Ledent Pol Field of poppies

Pol Ledent

‘Eternal Spring’




Province-of-Ascoli-Picen ceramic course

Province of Ascoli Picen ceramic course



Quart Minvant-(Waning Crescent)---Claudi Casanovas-EHC

Claudi Casanovas

‘Pottery whimsical clay sphere moments’




Santa Clara pueblo pottery – photo by Stephen Trimble

‘Pueblo Indian Pottery’




Potters’ meal and get together at Greystoke village hall—2014

‘Potters show pots at British Potfest’



 Satoru Hoshino making an abstract pot

 Satoru Hoshino

‘It’s a potters world’



Henriette-MARTY enameled globular vase---Limoges-1930

Henriette Marty enameled globular vase — Limoges

‘Art Deco Dandy’



Beaver-Galleries-Jenny-Orchard sculpture-2013

‘Kangadodo’  —  Jenny Orchard


‘Adorable clay mutations – Jenny Orchard’




Avant Garde Photo - Gjon Mili

Photo – Gjon Mili

‘Archival photos from Life Magazine’



Anya-Stasenko-and-Slava-Leontiev ceramic fish

Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontiev hand painted porcelain fish

‘Ukrainian Painted Porcelain Sculptures’



Arts of Peace outdoor sculpture by American sculptor James Earle Fraser - walking man with horse

The neoclassical Arts of Peace was sculpted by American sculptor James Earle Fraser.

Arlington Memorial Bridge facing the Lincoln Memorial.

‘Awesome Horses In The Arts’



Polish Mid Century dancer sculpture - Porcelana Ćmielów-1957-Designer-Henry Jędrasiak

Polish Mid Century dancer sculpture – Designer-Henry Jędrasiak

Porcelana Ćmielów – 1957

‘Figurative dance sculptures and art’



Amazing-wooden sculpture of a dragon -- Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay,-Singapore

Wooden sculpture of a dragon — Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

‘Dragons in the arts’




Art Deco Ashtray & Match Holder

‘Figurines of intrigue’



Art-Nouveau-twin-dragon-brooch with pearls and opal

Art Nouveau twin dragon brooch with pearls and opal

‘Beguiling ornamental brooches’




Vintage-60-70's-Carstens-Luxus-by-Peter Dieter-Vase

Vintage 60/70’s Carstens Luxus vase by Peter Dieter

‘Mid-century modern interior decor design’



Kurt-Laurenz-Metzler's-Women-in-Elegant-Dress sculpture

‘Women in Elegant Dress’ – Kurt Laurenz Metzler

‘Female Art Figures’




3d printing clay 17  –  Jonathan Keep — 3d printing by Wasproject

material white clay painted and fired by Ivo Sassi




7th-or-8th-century Chinese-'Painted-pottery--tomb-Guardian'

 Chinese ‘Painted pottery tomb Guardian’

7th or 8th century




Ashcombe Maze & Lavender Gardens at Mornington Peninsula

Ashcombe Maze & Lavender Gardens at Mornington Peninsula, Victoria

‘Gardens with sculpture’




Bassett Hound ceramic-sculpture – Nick Mackman

‘Cats and dogs – figurines, art and photos’




Mazzotti Art Deco studio gallery – Architect, Nikolay Diulgheroff



Gustavo-Perez-ceramic-modernist teapot

Gustavo Perez ceramic teapot

‘Gustavo Perez Mexican ceramicist’



Hildreth-Meiere-Art-Deco Radio City Music Hall

Hildreth Meiere Art Deco ‘Drama’ Medallion

Radio City Music Hall, NY



Meridian Ceramic Clock, with Aldo Londi's Rimini Blu design,-Howard Miller Clock Company

Meridian Ceramic Clock, with Aldo Londi’s Rimini Blu design,-Howard Miller Clock Company

via Midcenturia

‘Ceramic Clocks’



Gold Art Nouveau-dragon-with-pearlls

Art Nouveau dragon brooch
‘Lalique – French sublime design’




Red flower Vase ceramic art  —  Nancy Dellolio

‘Nature inspired pottery decorating’



Aesthetic Period, Islamic Style Royal Worcester Jeweled-Vase---British-Art-Pottery

Aesthetic Period, Islamic Style Royal Worcester Jeweled Vase

The Art of ‘ism’s



Les-papillons-Anne-Lise-Riond-Siboni glass head

‘Les papillons’ Anne Lise Riond Siboni glass head, Paris



Anne-Lise-RIOND-SIBONY-(born-in-1967)-France glass head

Anne Lise Riond Siboni, France

‘Pottery revelations on a whim and a prayer’




A Wileman & Co Pastello Ware vase designed by Frederick Rhead vase

A Wileman & Co Pastello Ware vase designed by Frederick Rhead



Beate Kuhn,-own-studio,-Germany-Unique-stoneware sculptural vessel with matte glaze in shades- of green

Beate Kuhn, Germany-Unique stoneware sculptural vessel with matte glaze in shades of green

‘Ceramics – subdued palette, matt surface’



Brooklyn Museum-The White Roses -- Anna S. Fisher

‘The White Roses’ — Anna S. Fisher

Brooklyn Museum

‘Art, paintings and pottery’




Cappy Thompson Painted Glass-Vitreous enamels revers -painted on blown glass

Cappy Thompson Painted Glass – Vitreous enamels revers painted on blown glass

‘Yoga merged with clayart’



Catherine-Zoritchak-ceramic-plate - in red, black and gold

Catherine Zoritchak square ceramic plate




Françoise Carrasco raku Couple sculpture

‘The Art of Convo’


Glass-octopus-(image-courtesy-of-Ana-Mardoll) - Gorgeous Teal Octopus Sculpture. Handmade Ocean Nautical Decor

Green octopus by Trevor Sinnock

‘Amazing octopus art’




La Bottega delle Stelle® Riccardo Biavati



Portugal, Lisbon,-azulejos of the Marquis of Fronteira Palace

Azulejos of the Marquis of Fronteira Palace

Portugal, Lisbon,

‘Portuguese azulejos art grandeur’



Ringling Brothers, Equestrian and Midget-George Biddle

‘Ringling Brothers, Equestrian and Midget’ – George Biddle

‘Circus performance in arts’



Robert Hoppe art deco poster

Robert Hoppe art deco poster

‘Back with Deco’



The 1965 Enlik Kebek mosaic on the outside of the Hotel Almaty in Kazakhstan

Enlik Kebek mosaic on the outside of the Hotel Almaty in Kazakhstan


‘Magnificence of mosaics art’



Theodore-Deck-Vase with flower decoration

Theodore Deck Vase with flower decoration

‘Art Vases collection, antique and vintage’



 yews framing a wooden door of a church in Stow-on-the-Wood

‘The Sentinels of St Edwards’  – These yews framing the door of a church in Stow-on-the-Wood, Gloucestershire, inspired JRR Tolkien

‘Tree Hug’




Beau Vase Emaux de Longwy



Roger-Capron-French-ceramic-art sketch and statue

Roger Capron art sketch and sculpture





Brush tailed possum mother and baby — Adam Foster

‘Pottery whimsical – take the plunge’



Hinrich Kroger Russian ceramic dolls

Hinrich Kroger Russian ceramic dolls, Berlin

‘Edgy clay art’


Cleopatra,-the-queen-of-Egypt-metal bust

Cleopatra bust – Design Toscano

‘Egyptian Revival Art’


Be Deadly Bunjil eagle wall art

The 1st Project – Collingwood –  Be Deadly

‘The flight of Bunjil – sacred eagle’



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  1. Patricia
    Posted October 13, 2017 at 3:20 am | Permalink

    thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!
    What a feast for the eyes and juice for the creative imagination you have provided. Please continue to keep up your excellent communication!

  2. NicolasMorris
    Posted November 15, 2017 at 3:57 am | Permalink

    Epic choices , love how you include all media

    will send you one!
    Nico, and David Morris 1950 -1999

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