Monthly Archives: May 2017

Indigenous Australian arts compilation



Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Tiwi Islands Art

Jean Baptiste Apuatimi, Tiwi Islands


The exposure of Aboriginal art to the West had its inception at the aboriginal community of Papunya in the Western Desert of Central Australia. Just like the vivid wildflowers that fill the local ochre terrain in the middle of winter, their art was a rare juxtaposition adapted from the Australian landscape. Although the indigenous art was originally developed for body painting, bark & cave art and ceremonial ground paintings, once the Papunya artists were introduced to canvas and tube paints in the 60’s, they quickly adapted to the new medium. Many of the key artists from this era were highly respected senior men with full ritual and ceremonial knowledge. The paintings were steeped in ancient mystical knowledge and had an intimate connection to the mythological beings of the Tjukurrpa or Dreamtime. They were eager to teach, and to maintain a record of their dreaming country, as well as paint for profit.


 Chern'ee Sutton - Jurutu - Painting of a Goanna Lizard

Chern’ee Sutton – Jurutu


The diversity and quality of Australian Indigenous art reflects the richness and deep heritage of Indigenous culture and the distinct differences between tribes, languages, dialects and geographic landscapes. Art has always been an integral component of Aboriginal life, connecting past and present, the people with their land, and the supernatural and reality.
Many paintings by Aboriginal artists, such as those that represent a “dreamtime story”, are shown from an aerial perspective. The narrative follows the lie of the land, as created by ancestral beings in their journeys or during creation. Australian Indigenous art is the oldest ongoing tradition of art in the world dating back more than 30,000 years. Details gleaned from these drawings are the merest fragments of a rich and extensive mythology that exists around the natural features of the country.



Cultural-Artefact,-Jimmy-K.= - two ceramic figures

Cultural artifact ceramic figures – Jimmy Thaiday



Honey Ant Dreaming ground painting

‘Honey Ant Dreaming’ ground painting


Robert Edwards (past Curator of Anthropology at the South Australian Museum, stated  –
“Each line and design has symbolic importance and has its complement in the dance and song performed at its making and its ceremonial display. Preservation of the ritual, unaltered down the ages, demands strict adherence to traditional form and design but natural desire for aesthetic expression promotes the development of elegance, technique and delicacy of touch.”
The artists of Papunya and those at other indigenous art centres have followed a collaborative path of preserving and sharing the knowledge of their ancient stories and symbols with their fellow artists. Their arts have been an excellent vehicle for unity and continuation of their traditions and providing an opportunity to share it internationally.


Star-Ark---Arone-Meeks indigenous Australian art painting

‘Star Ark’ – Arone Meeks

The Art Vault



Sunken-History-Arone-Meeks aboriginal art painting

‘Sunken History’ – Arone Meeks

The Art Vault



Aaron-Meeks-Irukandji II - black and white figure painting

Aaron-Meeks  –  ‘Irukandji II’

The Art Vault



Torres Strait-Islander-artists-Ellarose-Savage-and-Jimmy-Thaiday,

Torres Strait Islander artists — Ceramic sculptures by Ellarose Savage and Jimmy Thaiday



figure lid vessel by Irene-Entata

Irene Entata



Alison-Milyka-Carroll aboriginal ceramic artist

Alison Milyka Carroll




Ngayuku-Walka-VII,-2015,-ceramic pot

Incised ovoid pot  Anne Thompson

Ernabella Ceramics, Ngayuku Walka VII, 2015





 Melanie Hava — ‘Brolga Greetings’



Anne-Thompson ceramic cylindrical vessel tapered

Anne Thompson




At-Play--Artwork-by-Paul-Roget 3 aborigiinal children

‘At Play’ – Paul Roget



David Corby Tiapaltiarri - painting Women's Dreaming,-1972

 ‘Women’s Dreaming’ – David Corby Tiapaltiarri – painting





Part of the game-(Chris Lewis),-covered vase Anita Mbitjana Ratara

‘Part of the game (Chris Lewis)’, covered vase by Anita Mbitjana Ratara

2015 Hermannsburg Potters, Northern Territory




Anne-Thompson,-Ernabella-Ceramics,sgrafifito vase

Sgraffito vase – Anne Thompson

Ernabella Ceramics, Sabbia Gallery




painting of the Rainbow Serpent with aboriginals of Australia

‘Birth of Rainbow Serpent’Paul Roget

Salt of the Earth series

‘Salt of the Earth’ is an illustrative journey into the traditions and magic of indigenous Australian’s seen through a western surrealistic eye. A pictorial witness of an indigenous cultures beauty, dignity, and deep partnership with their land.




‘Birth Of The Moons’ – Ainslie Roberts




Christina Gollan The-leafy-sea-dragon-relief vase

The leafy sea dragon relief vase – Christina Gollan




Clifford-Possum-Tjapaltjarri - Pupanya dot art painting

Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri – Papunya dot art Corroboree painting




-Ainslie-Roberts painting - Creation-of-the-Coorong-Birds

‘Creation of the Coorong Birds’  – Ainslie Roberts




Derek-Jungarrayi-Thompson, vase Ernabella-Ceramics,

Australian indigenous vase ‘Kungkarangkalpa II’ – Derek Jungarrayi Thompson

52 cm height, Ernabella ceramics,



Derek Jungarrayi Thompson,-Ernabella Ceramics

‘Kungkarangkalpa–Seven Sisters’ – Derek Jungarrayi Thompson

2015, Ernabella Ceramics, Sabbia Gallery



Derek Jungarrayi Thompson,-Ernabella Ceramics - Watersnake Story

Derek Jungarrayi Thompson, Ernabella Ceramics – ‘Watersnake Story’




Earthbow---Paul-Roget - painting of 3 aboriginal men dancing on a rock

‘Earthbow’ — Paul Roget

Salt of the Earth series



Ellarose-Savage ceramic sculpture ochre colour

Ellarose Savage




Ernabella Ceramics, Derek Jungarrayi Thompson - SOLD Liru Kutjara II, 2013,

‘Liru Kutjara II’, Derek Jungarrayi Thompson  stoneware vessel with sgrafitto decoration

Ernabella Ceramics, Sabbia Gallery




‘Wanampi I’ – Derek Jungarrayi Thompson, 2014

Ernabella Ceramics, Sabbia Gallery


‘Waubin and Epili,’ Gordon Hammond 2014

Gab Titui Cultural Centre

Photos: George Serras, National Museum of Australia



Derek-Jungarrayi-Thompson---SOLD-Wanampi-II,-2014 sgrafitto vase

Derek Jungarrayi Thompson — ‘Wanampi II’, 2014

Ernabella Ceramics, Sabbia Gallery



Ernabella Ceramics ,Ernabella Womens Grouping,-2016

Ernabella Ceramics , Ernabella Womens Grouping of ceramic vessels

Sabbia Gallery, 2016




Derek Jungarrayi Thompson—‘Wanampi Muni Ngintaka’,

Ernabella Ceramics 2013

Sabbia Gallery




Ernabella Ceramics, Janelle Muwitja Nakamarra Thompson – ‘Ngayuku Walka II,’

2016, stoneware with sgraffito, H 48.5cm




Ernabella Ceramics, potters Ngunytjima Carroll & Derek Thompson, 2014





Ernabella Ceramics, Pepai Carroll – ‘Walungurru II’

2015, stoneware with sgraffito, H 45.5




Ernabella Ceramics, Pepai Jangala Carroll ~ ‘Tali’, 2012, stoneware,

Ernabella Ceramics, Sabbia Gallery  Height 30 cm




Doris Bush Nungarrayi painting~ Tjurrpinyi (Swimming at Haasts Bluff), 2013

Doris Bush Nungarrayi painting ~ ‘Tjurrpinyi (Swimming at Haasts Bluff)’




Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel - Kapi Wankanya, 2016, stoneware with sgraffito, H 46

Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel ~ Kapi Wankanya

2016, stoneware with sgraffito, H 46cm


Ernabella Ceramics, Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel ~ ‘Ngayuku Walka XX’,

2015, stoneware, H 29 cm




Ernabella Ceramics, Rhoda Tjitayi – Anumara Tjukurpa ~ ‘Caterpillar Dreaming’

2015, stoneware, H 31 cm




Dreamtime-Sisters--Colleen-Wallace-Nungari aboriginal dot painting

‘Dreamtime Sisters’ ~ Colleen Wallace Nungari




 Yaritji Jack - Ngayuku Walka III, 2016, stoneware with sgraffito, H 49

  Yaritji Jack ~ ‘Ngayuku Walka III’

2016, stoneware with sgraffito, H 49 cm

Ernabella Ceramics, Sabbia Gallery




Three amorphic dishes with aboriginal art decoration

Gorrogarrah Binjdil — Three amorphic dishes




Derek Jungarrayi Thompson---Ngintaka, 2017,-stoneware with sgraffito ceramic vessel

Derek Jungarrayi Thompson — ‘Ngintaka’ stoneware with sgraffito vase






Ainslie-Roberts,-Sound-of-Wind painting of a leaping frog in the reeds

Ainslie Roberts, ‘Sound of Wind’



Jack-Dale-~-Wandjina,-2007 dreamtime spirit

Jack Dale ~ ‘Wandjina’ 2007




Lavinia Ketchell (Erub Arts), necklace




Lawrence Omeenyo Umpila Missus and Mister Croc 2013 earthenware

Lawrence Omeenyo Umpila ‘Missus and Mister Croc’

2013 earthenware



Leah-Jackson twin handled vase with pink flowers

Leah Jackson




Linga-of-Ayers-Rock-Ainslie-Roberts Painting of Uluru

‘Linga of Ayers Rock’ – Ainslie Roberts



Lyerrtjina (budgerigar) 2016 by hermannsburgpottery -Judith Pungkarta Inkamala

‘Lyerrtjina (budgerigar) ‘ – Judith Pungkarta Inkamala

2016 by Hermannsburg pottery




Nellie-Marks-Nakamarra-aboriginal dot painting

Nellie Marks Nakamarra



Pepai Jangala Carroll, Walungurru, 2015, Stoneware, H 20

Pepai Jangala Carroll, ‘Walungurru’,

2015, Stoneware, H 20 cm



Paul-Roget---Tribal-Clensing Painting of an aboriginal girl bathing in a rock pool

Paul Roget — ‘Tribal Cleansing’ 



Rainmakers-At-Dawn'-by-Ainslie-Roberts. Two Kookaburrahs in a tree painting

‘Rainmakers At Dawn’ by Ainslie Roberts.





Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel, Ernabella Ceramics, ‘Ngayuku Ngura VIII’

2015, stoneware with sgraffito, H 53 x D 15.5cm



Creation of the Southern Cross aboriginal theme painting - Ainslie Roberts

‘Creation of the Southern Cross’  –  Ainslie Roberts



Roberts,-Ainslie,-Death-of-the-Moon-Woman landscape with reclining woman

Ainslie Roberts,  ‘Death of the Moon Woman’




Ainslie Roberts,-,-The-Dancing-Echidna--painting of an airborn Echinda

Ainslie Roberts, ‘The Dancing Echidna’



Robyne-LathamRobyne-Latham-ceramic Pod

Robyne Latham ceramic ‘Pod’



Robyn-Latham 3 terracotta pods Shepparton Arts Museum

Three ‘Pods’ – Robyn Latham



Rupert-Jack,-Maku,-2014 Indigenous Australian art painting

Rupert Jack, ‘Maku’




Salt-of-the-Earth Paul Roget

‘Salt Of The Earth’ – Paul Roget





Suspended shells with aboriginal children as pods by Paul Roget

‘Seed Pods’ – Paul Roget



Paul-Roget painting of an Aboriginal woman rock painting and the male artist

‘The Birthing’ by Paul Roget




Ainslie Roberts – ‘The Desert Ice-Men

From central Australia comes the myth of the Ninya, or desert ice-men, whose hair is made of icicles. In the summer, the Ninya hide away in their caves, but they emerge on winter evenings and cause cold and frost to fall upon the land. As sunrise approaches, they rush back to their caves before they melt and this rapid movement creates the icy winds of desert mornings. painting-by-Ousha-Jenamoia-in-2011

‘The Happy Goana Mama’ dot painting by Ousha Jenamoia




The-Origin-of-the-Playtpus - Ainslie Roberts

‘The Origin of the Playtpus’ – Ainslie Roberts



The Patient Fisherman---Paul Roget - painting of a man standing in a boat waiting for rain

‘The Patient Fisherman’ — Paul Roget



The-Sound-of-Lightning-Ainslie-Roberts -- thunder man Mamaragan, roaring with laughter, beats the great stones of the sky together.

‘The Sound of Lightning’ – Ainslie Roberts

In the wet season, the thunder man Mamaragan, roaring with laughter, beats the great stones of the sky together.




Aboriginal art by Walter Tjampitjinpa ~ ‘Water Dreaming’



Tjimpuna Williams, --Piltati Tjukurpa - A Story from Piltati I, 2015, Stoneware, H 80

Tjimpuna Williams, ‘Piltati Tjukurpa – A Story from Piltati I’,

2015, Stoneware, H 80 cm

Ernabella Ceramics, Sabbia Gallery




Tjimpuna Williams, Ernabella Ceramics, SOLD Tali - Sand Dunes, 2015, Stoneware, H 47

Tjimpuna Williams,  ‘Tali – Sand Dunes’

2015, Stoneware jar, H 47 cm

Ernabella Ceramics, Sabbia Gallery




Turning-Fire -Paul-Roget Aboriginal man in a fire pit

‘Turning Fire’ -Paul Roget



aboriginal dot art painting Univers Mininga

Univers Mininga



Alison Milyika Carroll, Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel, Alison Milyika Carroll @pukatjapottery @sabbiagallery

Alison Milyika Carroll, Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel, Alison Milyika Carroll @pukatjapottery @sabbiagallery





Tjunkaya Tapaya with works by fellow Ernabella women - Alison Milyika Carroll and Carlene Thompson.

Tjunkaya Tapaya with works by fellow Ernabella women – Alison Milyika Carroll and Carlene Thompson.










NEXT POST  —  Mid-century modern interior decor design


Japanese tea cups, yunomi and guinomi




Aki Takahashi



Japanese tea and sake cup terminology


Trying to navigate the complex naming of the Japanese ceramic tea wares is a challenge but I will add a few terms here to help identify some of the pieces below.
A chawan is simply a teacup without a handle primarily used in the Japanese Tea Ceremony for preparing and drinking Matcha (powdered green tea), but is also used for other types of tea as well. It can also refer to a bowl for rice where it is called a “gohan chawan”. The word “yunomi chawan” is sometimes used to clarify its purpose as a teacup. For more formal settings, a wide-mouthed cup called kumidashi chawan is used to serve ocha (green tea).




Masato Yamaguchi, Mori Yamaguchi chawan

The yunomi is a form of teacup, typically made from a ceramic material, being taller than wide, with a trimmed or turned foot. Unlike the more formal chawan tea bowl, the yunomi is made for daily (or informal) tea drinking. The favoured shape is the “tsusugata” (a simple cylindrical form) Recommended stoneware styles for yunomi are Hagi, Shino, Karatsu and Mashiko. The Hagi yunomi is known for going through seven stages of change and deepening in aji (flavour) as more green tea is poured into it. The white Shino yunomi, with its thickly applied glaze, almost never feels hot to the touch and the splendid ocha color is clearly visible. In contrast, a Bizen yunomi is unglazed and quite hot to the touch. There are numerous names for the different shapes in the chawan and yunomi. For example the Hatazori-gata is the Curving Lip type 0f tea bowl while the Momo-gata has a  peach form.



Komosaki-Ryuichi-oribe-yunomi-tea vessel

Komosaki Ryuichi oribe yunomi

Oribe yaki (yaki=fired) is one of the many wares produced in the prolific pottery producing areas around Seto, Aichi prefecture and Tajimi, and the Mino area of the Gifu prefecture. Easily recognisable by its distinctive green glaze, Oribe yaki has four main types; E-Oribe (patterns done with iron underglaze), Kuro-Oribe (an almost black, dark green glaze),Ao-oribe ( light green glaze) and Aka-Oribe (incised patterns covered with various glazes). A favourite with the tea masters of the Momoyama period (in the late 16th century), the potter Furuta Oribe, is said to have lent his name to the pottery.


Mutsu-Takayanagi porcelain tea cup -Kyoto

Mutsu Takayanagi porcelain tea cup


Kyuusu is the generic name for any ceramic or pottery teapot. Kyuusu is often used to describe the side handled (yokode) teapot. Celadon porcelain with its distinctive pale blue-green color is called Seiji. “Kama” read as “gama” in Japanese means “kiln”. The term Gosu refers to the cobalt oxide glaze used to produce the blue designs on sometsuke porcelain. Jiki is the Japanese word for Porcelain. Hakuji, traditionally speaking, is the white porcelain made with the superior kaolin clay from Izumiyama, usually very thin in structure.

Shino yaki is characterised by it’s thick milky-white glaze over an orange or pinkish clay base, pockmarked with tiny holes. It is said to be the first ware to decorate its pieces with brush-drawn designs. These were sometimes created with iron oxide, which changed the glaze to a rusty color after firing. The soft rugged shapes with their squat forms give the pieces a rustic appeal and the thick glaze with its nubbly texture imbues each piece with a sense of warmth. Other Shino ware styles were a grey glaze called “Nezumi shino”and pieces made with reddish or yellow clay named “Beni shino”.
Guinomi, choko, and sakazuki are three words that mean the same thing — sake cup. Among collectors, the Karatsu guinomi reigns supreme.

The images I’m using here are from the excellent blog called ‘Shelves of Sweet Beans’, which features a remarkable and large collection of Japanese tea wares and sake cups from a collector in Osaka.



Tsukamoto Haruhiko ceramic sake flask and guinomi

Tsukamoto Haruhiko ceramic sake flask and guinomi





Fukimi Fumi Oribe footed cup



Aki-Takahashi---Kanai-Cup-Hokusai - Mount Fuji image

Aki Takahashi— ‘Kanai Cup Hokusai’




Atsushi-Nakada yunomi cup red glaze

Atsushi Nakada yunomi cup



Ceramic bizen sake bowl-Ishii Takahiro - white with rusty strip

Bizen sake bowl – Ishii Takahiro



Carved gold brush footed cup - Tsuyoshi Shimizu

Elegant carved gold brush footed cup – Tsuyoshi Shimizu



Glazed white glaze sake machine - Kato Yoshiyasu

Glazed white glaze sake machine – Kato Yoshiyasu




Fukuno Michita tea bowl -- black and white geometric pattern

Fukuno Michita geometric pattern tea bowl




Tsuyoshi Shimizu incised texture bottle

Tsuyoshi Shimizu incised texture bottle




Golden-color-'Suzaku'-Teru-(extra-large-) Ichikawa Toru

 Ichikawa Toru – Golden color ‘Suzaku’ Teru (extra large)




Kazu-Yamada-abstract-yunomi tea-cup

Kazu Yamada – tri footed yunomi tea cup



Hiroaki-Toyohaku-yunomi tea cup

Hiroaki Toyohaku yunomi



Hiroyuki Tomita sake cup with gold drip glaze

Hiroyuki Tomita – sake cup with drip glaze



Hitoshi Hiraoka footed tea cup

Hitoshi Hiraoka footed tea cup



Ichikawa-Translucent-Sake-Bowl with white drip glaze on terracotta

Ichikawa Translucent Sake Bowl



Ito-Hokuto tea bowl japanese

Ito Hokuto



Kanesu Iron painting Persian Shizza cup -- Masutaka

Kanesu Iron painting Persian Shizza cup — Masutaka



Miho ceramic Sake Bowl

Miho Sake Bowl



Kaori-Takao -- Black-green, gold, black and white-sweet-peony-cup

Kaori Takao –sweet peony tea cup



Kato Kiyoyuki shino - pink and white glaze cup

Kato Kiyoyuki shino cup





Masato Yamaguchi tea bowl




Masutaka-ceramic-yunomi tea cup

Masutaka – yunomi tea cup




Moonlit tea cup-Yoshimura Mariko

Moonlit tea cup – Yoshimura Mariko




Masato Yamaguchi & Mori Yamaguchi—tea bowl




Mori Hinzai tea bowl red highlights

Mori Hinzai tea bowl




Nakagawa-Kyohei-tea-bowl with crackled surface in black and white

Nakagawa Kyohei tea bowl




Nagakino-No-Yoshiko ceramic vessel

Nagakino No Yoshiko





Nakaoka Nobuhito tea bowl



Naoko-Kusuda-sleek porcelain tea-bowl

Naoko Kusuda



Nishida-Shinya-incised-tea-bowl geometric patterns

Nishida Shinya – incised tea bowl



Nomura-Austrian-ceramic-tea-cup carbonized surface

Nomura Austrian ceramic tea cup




Oishi-Shiori---ceramic dog and cup

Oishi Shiori



Pottery bowl cup ancient vermillion - Nakahara Koji

Ancient vermillion pottery bowl –   Nakahara Koji



Ratsu-Shika red and white tea bowl with crackle glaze

Ratsu Shika  tea bowl



Reiji Omori footed tea cup

Reiji Omori



Sachiko Shimizu - white abstract design on black yunomi

Sachiko Shimizu yunomi


Satoshi-Watanabe-ceramic-tea-bowl with carved texture

Satoshi Watanabe hand carved ceramic tea bowl



Sancha-Oribe-Ho-Hakugaku - green and white glaze

Sancha Oribe — Ho Hakugaku



Sato Tsutsumi Sato Satoshi tea cup fine detail

Sato Tsutsumi Sato Satoshi  fine detail tea bowl



Sawada-Hayato-tea-bowl with modernist style

Sawada Hayato – tri footed yunomi




Seto-Junji-black-tea-cup with red single stroke motif

Seto Junji – red motif on black tea cup



Keisuke Shimatani-tea bowl mottled surface pattern

Keisuke Shimatani – tea bowl, mottled and crackled surface patterns




Shibuya-Toshiaki-ceramic tea-bowl

Shibuya Toshiaki




Shinji Suzuki, Tajmi City tea cup

Shinji Suzuki, Tajmi City – tea cup


Sawada Hayato---ceramic yunomi

Sawada Hayato – tri foot yunomi




Shino Shika Goto tea bowl

Shino Shika Goto tea bowl



Shinya Tagami- white drip glaze tea cup

Shinya Tagami- white drip glaze tea cup




Shogo-Ikeda-tea-bowl with internal geisha illustration

Shogo Ikeda geisha tea bowl



Shinya-Tagami-Kyoto-tea-bowl with turquoise interior

Shinya Tagami, Kyoto — tea bowl with incised surface, turquoise glaze interior




Shogo Ikeda tea cup

Shogo Ikeda



Shogo Ikeda ceramic bottle black on white motif

Shogo Ikeda ceramic bottle




Shuhei Fujioka-green celadon cup

Shuhei Fujioka celadon cup




Maeda Maeda-ceramic-cup inner gold glaze

Maeda Maeda




Masaki-Tomabechi-elegant tea-bowl in black, gold and white

Masaki Tomabechi elegant tea bowl – gold rim and black on white crackle glaze



Takadai-tea-bowl in earthy tones of brown and yelllow

Takadai tea bowl




Takako Hotaka



Takuma-Murakosh Japanese pottery

Takuma Murakosh



Grey and black Tamba cup - Masahiko Ichino

Tamba cup – Masahiko Ichino



Tamba Oni sake cup

Tamba Oni sake cup



Takuma Murakoshi ceramic tea cup

Takuma Murakoshi



Tanaka Takashi-Japanese ceramics

Tanaka Takashi



Tetsuya Ishiyama Shigaraki footed cup

Tetsuya Ishiyama Shigaraki wood fired cup



 Hideatake ceramic-cup

 Hideatake tea cup



Tomo Hayashi tea cup

Tomo Hayashi tea cup



Tomoko Takahashi ceramic yunomi with geometric patterns

Tomoko Takahashi



Tonomo Misao carved ceramic cup with animal reliefs

Tonomo Misao carved ceramic cup



Toshitaro Ogunsa---tea-cup-japan

Toshitaro Ogunsa



Tsujimura Lump japanese cup

Tsujimura Lump japanese cup



Tsuyoshi Shimizu blue sculptural cup

Tsuyoshi Shimizu




Wadayama Mao, Osaka



Wakao-japanese-ceramic cup

Wakao – hexagonal tea bowl



Yamashita tea cup




Yasunori-Nakao pink blossom tea cup

Pink blossom yunomi – Yasunori Nakao



Yasushi Sakurai tea cup

Yasushi Sakurai tea cup



Yoshimura-Mariko-tea-cup with naked girls

Yoshimura Mariko naked girls tea cup




Yoko Komae unglazed ceramic bottle

Yoko Komae ikebana vase



Yotaro-Takemura-striped-tea-cup in pink, grey and white speckled stripes

Yotaro Takemura striped tea cup



Yuki-Ohashi---city-scape ceramic cup

Yuki Ohashi—cityscape motif tea cup




Kim Hono



Aya Aki Takahashi



Yuri-Takemura celadon-tea-bowl

Yuri Takemura celadon tea bowl




Yusuke Makagawa tea cup





NEXT POST  —  Indigenous Australian arts compilation


International Contemporary Furniture Fair



Caracole-armchair-and-side board

Caracole furniture



Fractal-Rose-LED-lighting wallpaper-from-Meystyle

Fractal Rose LED wallpaper from Meystyle




ICFF global design showcase


All aficionados of interior design will be attracted to the ICFF global design showcase. Over four days more than 33.000 interior designers, architects, and professionals of interior fitting will meet the 750 exhibitors displaying the most updated innovations in the sector. ICFF provides the opportunity for anyone who is looking for the latest, most creative and fascinating trends in the world of decoration and interior design. On display will be interior furniture, seating, flooring, carpet and rugs, lighting, outdoor furniture, materials, wall coverings, accessories, textiles, kitchen & bathroom designs and fabricators. ICFF features what’s best and what’s next in contemporary design, luxury interiors and high end furniture.


ICFF website




Innovative array of designs on offer



VITA Copenhagen ‘Silvia Create’ light tree

VITA Silvia Create is made of individual “leaves” that are assembled into a beautiful glare-free light. The VITA Silvia Create’s special watercolor paper leaves let anyone express their artistic side and paint, draw, or print their favorite pattern on each leaf.


Lunada BayTile_Contourz_Zen Break_White

Lunada Bay Tile – ‘Contourz’ Zen Break White



Atelier-Vierkant-robbed planters

Atelier Vierkant ribbed planters



Atelier Vierkant deep textural brutalist planter.





Atelier Vierkant  “CK” (smooth texture) and the “CKB” (rough texture) in white and black




Caroline-Peltier-ceramics-three-free form porcelain plates

Three porcelain plates – Caroline Peltier, France

“I have always been captivated by light through matter (as with stained-glass windows or lithophany). This is why I choose to work with porcelain, a translucent form of clay that enables my illuminated creations to reveal the décor around.”




Caroline Peltier




Abstract Fractal-LED-wallpaper-by-Meystyle

Fractal LED wallpaper by Meystyle




Golden-Resistance-from-Meystyle-Led-lighting wallpaper-and-fabric

Meystyle ‘Golden Resistance’ Led wallpaper and fabric

The Golden Resistance is a conceptual design visually translating the inexplicable phenomenon of flowing electricity into an astonishing cascade of light particles. The use of LEDs echoes the interaction of electrons at subatomic level, taking advantage of the way electricity varies in intensity to create the  illusion of energy moving, when in fact it is always still.



Psychedelic Ohm-LED-wallpaper-by-Meystyle

‘Ohm’ LED psychedelica wallpaper by Meystyle



Plasma-LED-wallpaper-from-Meystyle abstract wall art

Plasma LED wallpaper from Meystyle

The Plasma design is a brave rhapsody of contrasting hues. The careful combination of warm and cool tones creates a rhythmical movement recalling the mysterious night glow of neon city lights.





Casamood by Florim porcelain floor tiles




Casamood Vetro Decoro Stripes wall tiles and lemon yellow bed

Casamood ‘Vetro Decoro Stripes’ wall tiles –  black and white




Casa-Mood-geometric-wall-tiles in black

Casamood ‘Materia Project 4’ wall tiles



Casa-mood--slate-blue-wall-panels and wicker chair

Casamood Neutra 6.0 porcelain wall panels



CasaMood-Decor-Vintage wall panels in grey, white and black

Casa Ceramica Casamood Wall Texture Vintage


Casamood Neutra 6.0 Shades Decor wall tiles bold geometric pattern

Casamood Neutra 6.0 Shades Decor wall tiles



Casa-mood-porcelain-panels in a bathroom setting

Casamood Neutra Avio and Vetro Lux




Casamood--textured-floor-tiles and black modern biomorphic chair

Casamood textured floor tiles




Pascale-Girardin ceramic stools in dark blue and white

Pascale Girardin ceramic stools



Contemporary form Pascale Girardin ceramic vase

Pascale Girardin ceramic vase



'Muchas Lilla' - Recycled Lilac roses chair

‘Muchas Lilla’ – Since 2007, 13 Ricrea has been reclaiming materials from industrial production



Contemporary coupe-portoro-marble-bowl-michael-verheyden

‘Coupe Portoro’ marble bowl – Michael Verheyden



Credenza-sideboard-contemporary - bold art deco style front

Credenza contemporary sideboard




Custom Lighting Canvas with the ‘Nanoleaf Aurora’

Nanoleaf, creators of the first ever-modular smart light for personal design, is now announcing two new accessories for an even more customized smart home. A fixtureless, intelligent, color changing light that fits each unique minute of the day, the Aurora can now paint mesmerizing sound visualizations and can be controlled with a wireless remote. Combined with the The Aurora Rhythm it syncs your lights with audio and using 16 million brilliant colors, the Aurora Rhythm beautifully brings together your audio and visual senses for a whole new immersive experience




Studio-Nottene-Colony-Wallpaper-Collection -- Clouds

Clouds by Studio Nottene –  hand drawn and screen printed wallpaper.




Cynthia-Rowley-Collection-from-Tempaper - oriental style with bamboo and blossom

Cynthia Rowley Collection from Tempaper wallpaper



Cynthia-Rowley-Collection-from-Tempaper large colorful flowers on black

Cynthia Rowley Collection from Tempaper





DCW Éditions contemporary and innovative lighting



DCW Éditions contemporary and innovative lighting



DCW Éditions contemporary and innovative lighting



gyrofocus_contemporary-suspended heating

‘Gyrofocus’ by Focus – contemporary suspended heating



FilioFocus by Focus – Japanese style free-standing fireplace

‘FilioFocus’ by Focus – Japanese style free-standing fireplace




GyroFocus by Focus – Japanese style free-standing fireplace

‘GyroFocus’ by Focus




Hastings Tile & Bath Introduces Collections From Ceramica Bardelli




Kenneth-Torrance,-founder-of-Barter wood working

Barter wood by Kenneth Torrance




‘Les Couleurs Le Corbusier’ by Leicht




Lunada Bay Tile Contourz Concrete Fanfare Hex_Grey, Latte, Pearl

Lunada Bay Tile – ‘Contourz’ Concrete Fanfare Hex — Grey, Latte, Pearl



LVX-chest of drawers-Ming Moissonier--130-Years-of-Creation

LVX chest of drawers – Ming Moissonnier — 130 Years of Creation




Materia-Project-Casamood large glass tile mural

Casamood Materia Project is a coordinated porcelain and glass tile project




Matthew John Bacher won the 2017 competition with his design A Piece of Tlaltecuhtli.

Matthew John Bacher won the 2017 chair design competition with his ‘A Piece of Tlaltecuhtli’






Liquid Metal Resin Surfaces, ‘Branches 1′ – Georges Muquet



Naive Slimtech

Naive is inspired by avant-garde technology. It is the meeting point between design and technology, between craftsmanship and industry, between porcelain stoneware and glaze. The patterns, reminiscent of carefully drawn pencil lines, create an interweaving floating graphic effect. The lightness and the sizes of the slabs accentuate the delicacy of these lines, which intersect unpredictably. A playful interaction between marks and rhythm that creates vibrant and mysterious surfaces available in various colors. Naive is created with modules of ultra-thin laminated porcelain, 5.5mm thick.



nerosicilia-is-natural-lava-stone-wall panels

Nerosicilia is natural lava stone quarried from the slopes of Mt. Etna and kiln fired using a new concept of superior technical and aesthetic characteristics.

Nerosicilia creates tile sheets as large as 80x300x2cm especially for professional designers and architects to give them the utmost in design freedom. The ceramic sheets are unglazed and are free of chemicals applied at any point in the production process. The transformation process – designed and perfected by nerosicilia – subjects the untreated tile to the same heat conditions as natural lava. The surfaces feature different tones and patterns, achieved using varied temperatures and firing times. The colours and patterns by nerosicilia are obtained by recycling glass reclaimed from old cathode ray tube screens from discarded televisions and computer monitors. Using an exclusive process of crushing and milling the glass into a fine powder, nerosicilia introduces the raw material in every piece, including full-body colour tiles.



Nerosicilia tile sheet



NorthernLighting_ Say My Name lamp by Morten & Jonas

Northern Lighting presents the ‘Say My Name’ lamp by Morten & Jonas designed by Patrick Norguet

The expressive shape of Say My Name voices a lively dialogue between the material and the act of making. Both come together in a multi-functional design that can be hung from the ceiling as a pendant light or placed in an upright position like a table lamp. Each light is mouth-blown in Italy and made entirely from Venetian glass. Although the skill required to transform such a large mass of molten glass into a hollow sphere could only be found among the master glassblowers of Venice, the design is distinctively Nordic. Say My Name is a  streamlined shape with an unembellished surface; the hallmarks of contemporary Scandinavian style. The subtle colours in the glass reflect the hues of the Nordic night sky, the light of the fjords and the smooth surface of calm water.





‘Ooumm’, Lyra marble candle holders and fragrance

Ooumm is a French brand at the crossroads of design pieces and fragrance. Ooumm aspires to reinvent the art of perfumes by uniting the most excellent artisans and artists. For its first collection, shows bespoke perfumes by Barnabé Fillion and photophores as well as accessories designed by Dan Yeffet. Barnabé Fillion, the French nose, “Talent of the year” at the Maison & Objet trade show in 2013 has invented for Ooumm four unexpected scents. By combining innovation and tradition he has created rare and unique scents of the highest quality. The designer Dan Yeffet collaborated with « Collection Particulière » by Jérôme Aumont, to create exclusively for Ooumm, candle holders in smoked glass and stunning marble variations.




Ooumm, black marble candle holders and fragrance

Ooumm, marble candle holders and fragrance – Marquina, Orion, Octans and Lyra




Stone Forest — Papillon Tub – ‘Cumulo Granite’

The Papillon tub is a statement-making piece whose unique shape enables the bather to slip into a calming inner sanctum. Inspired by classic Italian design, the striking, tapered barrel-shaped vessel is carved from a single block of Cumulo Granite; a beautiful smoky gray stone rich with intricate natural veining.




‘Ciclotte’ exercise bike



Sabine Marcelis_VoieLights contemporary lighting

Sabine Marcelis – contemporary ‘Voie Lights’



Samurai Potter-red bathroom basin

Samurai Potter ceramic bathroom basin

Samurai Potter is located at Yamazato, Koga city, Shiga Prefecture, one of six old kilns in Japan.



Samurai Potter ceramic bathroom basin




Sifas ‘Kalife’ outdoor seating



Sifas seating Oskar---laquered aluminium

Sifas ‘Oskar’ – lacquered aluminium seating




The Cabin Pendant takes its name from the cabin of a space shuttle, offers two different qualities of light.

The ‘Cabin Pendant’ lamp takes its name from the cabin of a space shuttle and offers two different qualities of light.



Sun-valley bronze Otto floor lamp

Sun Valley bronze ‘Otto’ floor lamp




Arid Umbrella Stand

The Arid Umbrella Stand takes advantage of the inherent properties of terracotta clay. The material is naturally absorbent, wicking moisture away from umbrellas inside the container.



Caramood-Vetro-decoro-brocades wall tiles

Caramood ‘Vetro Decoro Brocades’ wall tiles




Caramood ‘Vetro Decoro Brocades’ wall tiles



Caramood Vetro-decoro-pattern-05

Caramood Vetro Decoro Pattern-05




Caramood-Vetro-decoro-pattern wall tiles

Caramood Vetro decoro pattern bathroom tiles




Lovi Tree by Anne Paso




Odyssey Collection decorative rug by Woven Concepts

The Odyssey Collection by Woven Concepts

A breakthrough, three dimensional and multi textural rug collection, inspired by NASA imagery. Distressed wool and natural silk are hand knotted to create three levels of visual and tactile finery. A unique vintage texture is created to compliment the contemporary sensibility of Odyssey’s designs and colors. The Odyssey Collection displays an industrial modern aesthetic with an accent of cutting edge splendor. Through innovative design, Woven Concepts honors the pioneers of space aviation.




Woven-Concepts--Odyssey-Collection floor rug

The Odyssey Collection –  Woven Concepts




Terreform ONE unveils biodegradable furniture to the world of interior design

Terreform ONE, the visionary architecture and design group, showcased for the first time its design for the “Mushroom Chaise”, a futuristic lounge chair made from biodegradable mushrooms at the ICFF in 2016. The statement piece displayed that biodesign can offer a beautiful alternative to mass furniture production that does not deplete natural resources, but can actually contribute to the environment.

WHY GROW A CHAIR? Terreform ONE has created a waste-free, pollution-free mushroom chair, the first of its kind. The chair was grown in seven days from strains of fungi into the multi-curved chaise piece. At the end of its useful product life cycle, the chair can be composted and safely reintroduced back into the environment, where it can be naturally biodegraded.




Edition Bougainville ‘Haute Couture’ Carpets – ‘Horizon Midnight’



moorea-grey-amb1Edition-Bougainville 'Haute Couture' Carpets

Edition Bougainville ‘Haute Couture’ Carpets – ‘Moorea Grey’



Edition Bougainville 'Haute Couture' Carpets - Pompadour Circle Shadow Lime

Edition Bougainville ‘Haute Couture’ Carpets – ‘Pompadour Circle Shadow Lime’







NEXT POST  —  Japanese tea cups, yunomi and guinomi


Teapots! 11 invitational


A geisha girl serving tea by Kitagawa Utamaro

‘Southern Teahouse’ – Kitagawa Utamaro


Annual teapots exhibition


Including the exotic and the refined with glimpses of the simply zany, a collection of teapot interpretations by over 60 artists is now showing at the 11th annual Teapot Invitational at the Morgan Contemporary Glass Gallery in Pittsburgh. This annual show is running till June 10th. Some of the teapots are utilitarian, others purely decorative, while some are so cleverly conceived that if you are currently a ‘teatotaller’, you might be compelled to take up the tea drinking habit just to relish the pleasure of using such innovative tea ware.

Morgans Gallery

5833 Ellsworth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15232
(412) 441-5200



A-Bear-in-the-Hand---Krista-Grecco teapot

‘ A Bear in the Hand’ teapot  —Krista Grecco



A drop of tea---silver pendant--Keith Belles

‘A drop of tea’ — hand carved silver pendant — Keith Belles




Amy Short---Tea Beast ceramic octopus teapot

Amy Short— ‘Tea Beast’ 



Andrew-Richmond,-Bath-Time - tirger in bath teapot

Andrew Richmond, ‘Bath Time’ 



Anthony Scheffler - Black Heart Teapot

Anthony Scheffler – ‘Black Heart Teapot’

Ebonized Purple Heart, bleached Maple




Art-Nonuveau-sterling-silver-tea-pot. on a branches stand

Art Nouveau sterling silver tea pot



Charissa Brock---Tea With Edna bamboo, fused glass, paper, waxed linen thread

‘Tea With Edna’  – Charissa Brock

Bamboo, fused glass, paper, waxed linen thread



Ceramic Chicken-Head-Teapot-Sara-Swink

‘Chicken Head Teapot’ – Sara Swink



Kong-Fu-tea-master pouring a cuppa Carlton Ritz

Kong Fu tea master pouring a cuppa at the Carlton Ritz



Derek-Decker_Teapot trench style

Derek Decker Teapot



Natasha Dikareva - Call For Adventure

Natasha Dikareva – ‘Call For Adventure’




Eben Horton,-Tempest in a Teapot teal colour blown glass

Eben Horton, – ‘Tempest in a Teapot’  blown glass




Tea time charm – Vintage postcard



Eileen Doughty— ‘Mountain Tea’

  • Machine & hand stitched cotton fabrics, thread sculpture trees


Ellen Silberlicht - Ooolong Enchantment-Raku, felted fber, glass beads

Ellen Silberlicht – ‘Ooolong Enchantment’

Raku, felted fiber, glass beads




Julia Feld_Flower Basket ceramic teapot

Julia Feld – ‘Flower Basket’  teapot



Julia-Feld_Last-Defense teapot

 ‘Last Defense’ teapot – Julia Feld




‘Felted Delft Teapot’ — Meryl Ruth



Forever---Kelly O’Dell - blown glass teapot

‘Forever’ — Kelly O’Dell – blown glass teapot




Hotel-Oakland tea urn

Central restaurant tea urn – Hotel Oakland, California




Four Cat Teapot- Andree Richmond 4 cats riding an elephant

‘Four Cat Teapot’ – Andree Richmond




Contemporary tea room, wabi sabied table – Design by Lai Weicheng

Photo: Jiang Guozeng




Ingrid Goldbloom Bloch_INV_ Octahemioctahedron Teapot

Ingrid Goldbloom Bloch – ‘Octahemioctahedron Teapot’

Radiator cover folded with modular origami techniques



Jeffrey-Lloyd-Dever---Morning-Jester---Polymer-clay,-wire-17.25-inches tall flower lidded teapot

Jeffrey Lloyd Dever— ‘Morning Jester’

Polymer clay, wire 17.25-inches



Jennifer-Caldwell---Love me - -Cast and flameworked glass

Jennifer Caldwell – ‘Love me’

Cast and flameworked glass




Gerit-Grimm---Tea-Guy-12inch-height ceramic teapot

Gerit Grimm — ‘Tea Guy’

12inch height



Jennifer-Umphress_glass Octopus Teapot

Jennifer Umphress – glass Octopus Teapot



Jennifer Umphress_Uniteapot with blue spikes

Jennifer Umphress – Uni teapot with blue spikes




Joey Chiarello---Generosity-slab built by hand, stoneware fred cone 6 electric,

Joey Chiarello – ‘Generosity’

slab built by hand, stoneware fred cone 6 electric,





Chinese street vendor Tea Maestro




Julia-Feld---The-Bird-teapot --clay,-hand-built,-carved,-hand-painted-with-underglazes,-low-fre

Julia Feld – ‘The Bird’  teapot

Clay, hand built, carved, hand painted with underglazes, low fire



Kay Khan,-Chrysanthemum Teapot rich colours Quilted, stitched, embroidered, & constructed silk

Kay Khan, – Chrysanthemum Teapot

Quilted, stitched, embroidered, & constructed silk



Kirsten-Stingle_Procession-of-Muse_lngtalllady teapot

Kirsten Stingle – ‘Procession of the Muse’



Kirsten Stingle_Steeped in Revolution ceramic teapot

Kirsten Stingle –  ‘Steeped in Revolution’ ceramic teapot



Lindsay Grigsby_Spheres Teapot wood turned

Lindsay Grigsby – ‘Spheres Teapot’


Lucidtea---Mark-Leputa-glass teapot

‘Lucidtea’ — Mark Leputa



Madeline-Kaczmarczyk beaded teapots

Madeline Kaczmarczyk beaded teapots



Madeline Kaczmarczyk-Lotus directions-Hand built slab formed clay, glazed and fred with gold lusters. Post fring encrusting with glass beads

Madeline Kaczmarczyk – ‘Lotus directions’

Hand built slab formed clay, glazed and fred with gold lusters. Post fring encrusting with glass beads



Marilyn-Andrews_PassionnDoubt_figural teapot n cup

Marilyn Andrews – ‘Passion n Doubt’ – figural teapot n cup



Matthew Naftzger-Need a lift---Titanium, copper, sterling silver, vitreous enamel,

‘ Need a lift’ – Matthew Naftzger

Titanium, copper, sterling silver, vitreous enamel,



Natasha Dikareva---Swan Teapot stoneware, stains, glazes, china paint, hand built

Natasha Dikareva – ‘Swan Teapot’

stoneware, stains, glazes, china paint, hand built



Pamela MacGregor Carnival Tea

‘Carnival Tea’ – Pamela MacGregor





Natasha Dikareva – ‘On The Waves Of Her Memory’



Pamela MacGregor Kenya Revisited

Pamela MacGregor – ‘Kenya Revisited’



Robert Mickelsen, I've Got My Eye On You. Flame worked borosilicate glass.

Robert Mickelsen –  ‘I’ve Got My Eye On You’

Flame worked borosilicate glass.




Samovar-in-Soviet-Uzbekistan-tea-party-photo by maxine pen

‘Tea Party’ – Samovar in Soviet Uzbekistan

(—you have to admire the elevated status given to the teapot)

photo by Maxine Penson





‘Mad Hatter teapot’ – Mickelsen Studios

Lampworked borosilicate glass, blown, sculpted, graal technique, sandblasted, assembled.




Sheryl Zacharia_Big Head in the Clouds ceramic teapot

Sheryl Zacharia – ‘Big Head in the Clouds’ 




Sheryl-Zacharia_GreenTea ceramic teapot

Sheryl Zacharia – ‘Green Tea’ 



Susan Parrish_Sarah Jane Serves Afternoon Tea

Susan Parrish – ‘Sarah Jane Serves Afternoon Tea’




Susan-Parrish Hot Tea mixed media

Susan Parrish – ‘Hot Tea’




Sara Swink_My DonkeyTeapot

Sara Swink – ‘My Donkey Teapot’




Green Tall Fish Teapot---Tom Hubert---22inches

 ‘Tall Fish Teapot’ — Tom Hubert

22 inches height



Tea-service-Morroccan baazar

Tea service Moroccan



Tom-Hubert_Carved Figure Teapot

Tom Hubert -arabesque  ‘Carved Figure Teapot’




Tom-Hubert_Black and white Carved Teapot-porcelain-wood base

Tom Hubert – Tall black and white ‘Carved Teapot’ – porcelain with wood base




Tom-Hubert_Orange Shape teapot

Tom Hubert – ‘Orange Shape’ teapot




Tom Hubert Curly Handle Teapot

Tom Hubert ‘Curly Handle Teapot’




Tom Hubert Mahogany Leg Teapot

‘Tom Hubert – ‘Mahogany Leg Teapot’



Vittorio-Reggianini-three-ladies-having-tea in satin gowns

‘Teatime Tales’ and silk – Charles Joseph Frédéric Soulacroix




Gail-Markiewicz-ceramic teapot with complex textures

Multi textural teapot – Gail Markiewicz (non exhibtion)



NEXT POST  —  International Contemporary Furniture Fair


Rometti ceramica maison


Rometti black and white vase with abstract motifs

Tesoro pedestal vase – Rometti


Rometti black and white geometric logo


The Ceramiche Rometti maison (house) has been active in Umbertide, Italy since 1927. Rometti was one of the first in Italy, in the early thirties, to move away from the traditional figurative neo-Renaissance and late Italian Liberty style to pursue the innovative ideas of avant-garde art and international design. Founders Settimio and Aspromonte Rometti guided the venture to successfully implement some of the finest components of contemporary design, creating products that combined research and creativity.


Plate with conentric circles and silohette of a man sowing seedThe-Sower---Corrado-Cagli

‘The Sower’ — Corrado Cagli


Today, constant experimentation is a hallmark of the Rometti workshops, in which complex and sophisticated production techniques are adapted to the specific characteristics of their earthenware, stoneware or porcelain products. As regards to majolica, for example, Rometti has always used an age old method: objects shaped by hand on the wheel are painted and “frescoed” before being baked ; a special plaster bringing out the colours and giving depth to the decorations. A mixture of the purest raw materials is used to create extremely fine porcelain. Natural clay is taken from a local quarry, whose origins date back to Roman times. The various production phases in the workshops require highly specialized manual operations such as moulding, shaping, casting, enamelling by immersion or spray, and painting. These high quality products are exclusively hand-made and are never exactly alike.


Dante-Baldelli-Ceramic-inverted cone Vase

Dante Baldelli Vase for Rometti

Umbertide, circa 1930


During its early conception Rometti attracted the talents of futurist artists such as Fortunato Depero, and Giacomo Balla. Also works of stylized figuration, sometimes visionary, playful and bizarre were created by artists of the caliber of Corrado Cagli and Dante Baldelli. Other prestigious collaborators that contributed to Rometti were painter and sculptor Giovanni Ciangottini and Leoncillo Leonardi in the forties. Today , Rometti has a team of contemporary designers that collaborate with the company including Monica Poggia, Liliane Lijn, Ambrogio Pozzi, Chantel Thomas and Jean Christoph Clair.
Rometti has been in continual production now for 90 years and has imbibed a diversity of ceramic influences including the genres of Art Deco, Futurism, Bauhaus and Modernist, all infused with the unique and distinctive Rometti interpretation. Its contemporary creations continue their rich tradition of innovation and visionary flair.





Rometti dish with triangular base

Bowl Doppiapresenza trigono – Rometti



Rometti vases 2017

Rometti ceramic vases




Rometti Collection

Rometti Display




Ceramic bottles with horizontal stripes - Jean-Christoph-Clair

Jean Christoph Clair — ‘Eau De Terre’ – Rometti




Four kings Ceramic liqueur-Set-Rometti

Ceramic liqueur set – Rometti



tesoro_Rometti white sgraffito on black footed vase

‘Tesoro’ sgraffito vase – Rometti



Ceramic Cilindro-Lamp-Monica-Poggia

‘Cilindro Lampada’ – Monica Poggia





Rometti  teapot



omeetti vase chess board decoration

‘Scacchi’ – Dante Baldelli , Rometti chess vase





Rometti factory Umbertide, Italy



Huntsmen vase Rometti-Corrado-Cagli Slightly flattened oval-shaped vase, with low funnel mouth, decorated with black hunting scene with green, yellow and brown horizontal bands on white background, majolica-glazed terracotta, Rometti manufacture, Umbertide, Italy, 20th century

Horse riding hunters vase – Corrado Cagli, Rometti




Rometti_2017_vaso_tartaruga_nero turtle shell pattern in black and white

Rometti – ‘Tartaruga Nero Vase’ – Jean Christoph Clair

Presenza Sciamana  (Shaman Presence) series



Corrado Cagli-Dante Baldelli The March on Rome ceramic ovoid vase

Corrado Cagli- ‘The March on Rome’ ceramic vase





Rometti-Tangerine ceramic Liqueur-set

Rometti – Tangerine ceramic Liqueur set




Rometti-ceramiche-vase-antilopi ovoid vase with orange, white, green, yellow bands with blacl antelope motifs

Antelopi ovoid vase – Rometti



Rometti ceramic artist in studio

Rometti ceramic artist



ceramic sculpture art deco bust - female with extended straight neck

‘Sfere Cosmos’– Jean Christoph Clair



Rometti-Umbertide-red vase with gold bands

Red vase with gold bands – Rometti



Rometti_2017_vaso_tartaruga_bianco( White Turtle Vase)

Rometti ‘Vaso Tartaruga Bianco’ (White Turtle Vase) ) – Jean Christoph Clair




retia_vase black with white chequered pattern Rometti

Rometti Retia vase



Primitivo-Rometti-black and white abstract pattern plate and ffooted tumbler

‘Primitivo’ set -Rometti



Abstract head vase - Rometti

‘Presenza’ head vase – Rometti



Black ceramic accordion player

Desktop accordion player pen stand – Rometti



Ceramic vase with fishermen motifs

Pescatori ‘Fishermen’ – Corrado Cagli – Rometti




‘Medusa’ – Dante Baldelli



Corrado Cagli, Dante Baldelli, Ceramic plate - March on Rome , 1929-1930,


Corrado Cagli, Dante Baldelli, Ceramic plate – ‘March on Rome’ 




Hunters vase by Rometti

Ovoid s ‘Hunters’ vase – Rometti




Dante Baldelli Futurist Vase – Rometti, 30’s



Ceramic female head busts and high heel boots - Jean Christoph Clair

Jean Christoph Clair – ‘Sfere Kosmos’ – Rometti



Black and White labirinto-vase-Rometti

 ‘Labirinto’ vase – Rometti




Le Arti' ceramic vase - Rometti - naked femal motif

‘Le Arti’ vase – Rometti



Ceramiche-Rometti-liqueur vessel

Ceramic liqueur pourer – Rometti



Black and White futuro_vase-Rometti

Black and white Futuro Vase



Foret-2---Cedric-Ragot lime green and white vases

‘Foret 2 ‘  – Cedric Ragot




Rometti-Pucci-Umbertide-ceramic-carafe bottle-with-stopper

Rometti ceramic carafe bottle with stopper




Black vase with orange bands and sliver female motif - Rometti

Rometti vase




Dante Baldelli Ceramic Vase



Damier contemporary vase by Rometti

‘Damier’ – Rometti




corrado-cagli-'Umbrian-Landscape',-1930 Green on yellow and white bands

Corrado Cagli – ‘Umbrian Landscape’





Corrado Cagli plate, 1930’s



Corrado-Cagli-mermaids-and-fish-plate in blue and black

Corrado Cagli mermaids and fish plate



Rometti-factory ceramic jewellry box




Carlos ceramic table in black and white

‘Carlos’ ceramic table – Rometti



Umbria landscape cache pot - Rometti Blue black and white bands with silhouette landscape

Umbria landscape cache pot – Corrado Cagli, Rometti




Ecaille---Jean-Christoph-Clair Incised blue plate and matching bottle

‘Ecaille’ —Jean Christoph Clair



Il Calciatore  Cache Pot – Rometti



Diabolo--vase -Jean-Christoph-Clair--

‘Diabolo’ – Jean Christoph Clair




‘Konas’ – Liliale Lijn




Rometti-liqueur-set green and black gazing

Rometti liqueur set




Vaso-Marin---Rometti red vase with white bands

Vaso ‘Marin’ — Rometti


Sergio Fiorentino— ‘Tuffatore’ footed floral motif campote -Rometti



Rose Vase Volupté-lacets-noires-pour-Chantal-Thomass-Rometti

‘Rose Vase Volupté’ – Chantal Thomass for Rometti



Sergio-Fiorentino---Tuffatore-footed vase with floral motif-Rometti

Sergio Fiorentino— ‘Tuffatore’ footed floral motif vase -Rometti



‘Totem’ – Jean Christoph Clair




Rometti-twin-handled-vase-Greek classical motif in black on white




Jean-Christoph-Clair ceramic arts for Rometti

‘Cocteau’ series for Rometti – Jean Christoph Clair




Il lavoro dei campi



Rometti ceramicists



Vase with stylized-horses,-majolica-glazed-terracotta,-Rometti

‘Cavalli’ vase decorated with stylized horses by Dante Balldeli for Rometti

Majolica glazed terracotta, 1938





Fisherman-ceramic plate Corrado-Cagli


‘Fisherman’ ceramic plate – Corrado Cagli



Allegoria footed vase with standing naked female from, the back

Allegoria – Rometti



Corrado-Cagli-abstract art

‘Arancia E Vasellame’ by Corrado Cagli




rometti-footed vase with man working in the fields motif in black

Rometti footed vase –  ‘Working in the fields’


Rometti Ceramiche Website 








NEXT POST  —  Teapots! 11 invitational