Monthly Archives: April 2020

Aussie indigenous Dreamtime Art



Colin-Wightman aboriginal painting of bird

Colin Wightman



Optically Addicted-Contemporary-Indigenous-Australian-Ceramics-&-Mixed-Media-Artwork-by-Penny-Evans

‘Optically Addicted’  — Penny Evans



Austrealian Indigenous Art -=- Spirit-Ark---Navigation---by-the-Stars--Aaron-Meeks


‘Spirit Ark Navigation by the Stars’ — Arone Meeks

[click to expand]


This work is based on navigation by the stars, the boat being both a symbolic vehicle to travel back to the dreaming in and a connection with country, spirit and place. Contained within this vessel are elements of my childhood –  the figure with three dillybags, a guiding light (far left), my mother (far right) and the three mangrove men figures. These designs, like those below the boat in the water, are location markers. They talk of the dugong seagrasses, irukandji jellyfish, sea cucumbers and the spawning coral.

Other key elements to the work are the different stages of personal growth through my years as a painter and printmaker and my relationship to place.



Indigenous art from Aboriginal Myths, Fables and Legends



Deciphering the Dreamtime


Originally, Aboriginal peoples depicted their Dreamings by painting them in the sands and the earth or on rocks and tree bark. Also during ceremonies, they used their bodies for expressing sacred designs and for demonstrating their cultural knowledge and identitiy. They used their art to ensure a continuity of lineage with their ancients and preserve their stories.

The ‘Dreaming’ was refrerred to as “the Law”, being a universal language that governs all people, places, and things and brings them together under one unifing principal. The Dreaming is not connected by a finite period of time but is regarded as being continually occurring and is ever-present in Aboriginal Australian culture. The past and future merge into the present and becomes a conduit to access their transformative/shape shifting Ancestors.

A design made up of different symbols tells the story of a particular mythical ancestral heroes journey to get to his final resting place. The individual symbols map out that journey. When the symbols are arranged together they represent that mythical ancestor journey and the place his spirit now resides.


Shorty Jangala Robertson, ‘Ngapa Jukurrpa – Puyurru (Water Dreaming at Puyurru)’, 2007, acrylic on canvas.


This painting describes a particular place (the Tanami desert and the water courses above and below ground) It refers to an ancient story (the Ancestors singing down the rain in a great thunderstorm) and his spiritual connection to the land and its importance to his culture.

Practical guidance on where to find food and water and where to hunt was also represented in their art narratives. Long curving lines depicted rivers while repeating concentric circles indictaed where to locate water holes and wells. The dreamtime stories also taught them about how to maintain the wellbeing of their lands and live in harmony with each other and the animals. The spiritual relevence and power of a certain location to various people was also revealed.

The symbols in aboriginal art are design specific. Symbols have different meanings depending on which design is being painted. A concentric circle on one design may mean waterhole in one design or camp place in another. Aboriginal art symbols are not like letters or hieroglyphics. They only have a specific meaning when they are within a particular design

Their Dreamings explained how the universe was created, how the land was shaped, and who and what came to live in it. The artists channeled the universal archetypes that manifested through their myths and the original spirit of the land was accsessed via their ceremonies. Using a timeless Dreaming conscioussness, they created an iconography with ceremonial mapping and impressionistic interretation to express connection to land and ancestors.



The Yerrakartarta ceramic mural

Constructed between 1993 – 1994, Lower Forecourt, Intercontinental Hotel, North Tce, Adelaide



Ainslie Roberts--The Weeping Opal

Ainslie Roberts — ‘The Weeping Opal’


According to Aboriginals from around Andamooka in South Australia, opal was created when their ancestral being was conveyed to earth via a great rainbow. Where the rainbow connected with the land, great rocks and pebbles formed and glittered in the sun with all the colours of the rainbow and opals were born in the Dreamtime.


Bells Beach mural---Mark Trinham-Glenn Romanis--1996

Bells Beach Bindi mural—Mark Trinha / Glenn Romanis




Camouflage series Serving plate-Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo

Camouflage series Serving plate – Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo




Carole Foster_Sillers Lookout Arkaroola_Canvas

Carole Foster — Sillers Lookout, Arkaroola




Catherine Manuell Design 2020 – ‘PutipulaTjuta bush yams’



Chaffey installation

Glenn Romanis Chaffey installation


Mal Chambers_Rock Wallaby oil painting

Mal Chambers — Rock Wallaby oil painting



Charles Boyun--Waterlillies--aboriginal bark painting

Charles Boyun–‘Waterlillies’



Arone Meeks abstract contemporary Australian Art

Arone Meeks —  ‘Pornum Athoy’ 


Lawrence OmeenyoUmpila-Missus and Mister Croc-2013-earthenware

Lawrence Omeenyo Umpila – ‘Missus and Mister Croc’




Christina Gollan – The leafy sea dragon is only found in South Australia along the coast near Victor Harbour.

They grow to a length of about 40 cm and camouflage themselves in the seaweed




Alliison Milyika-Carroll Ngayuku Walka

Ernabella Arts


Aboriginal boy with Sand Goanna, Tjuwanpa Outstation

Photo Anders Zimny



Clem Rictor--Murili-2002

Clem Rictor — ‘Murili’




David Bosun,-Baidamaw Titui Buna Urdhay Id,-2012

David Bosun — Baidamaw Titui Buna Urdhay Id



Declan Apuatimi---Kurlama-1982-earth-pigments-on-bark

Declan Apuatimi—Kurlama

1982-earth pigments on bark




Derek Jungarrayi Thompson

Derek Jungarrayi Thompson ceramic vase



Dianne-Robinson--Putipula indigenous dot painting

Dianne-Robinson — ‘Putipula’



Spirit Dreaming--Bowl-Penn Evans

‘Spirit Dreaming’–Bowl- Penny Evans




Djap Wurrung trees have been used for around 50 generations as a place for local Aboriginal women to give birth

Djap Wurrung tree

Djap Wurrung trees have been used for around 50 generations as a place for local Aboriginal women to give birth



Dreamtime Sisters-Colleen Wallace Nungari--Arboriginal dot Art

‘Dreamtime Sisters’ – Colleen Wallace Nungari




Eagle Catching Fish and Taking it to the Nest (Sea Eagle)--Turbo Brown.jpg

‘Eagle Catching Fish and Taking it to the Nest (Sea Eagle)’ –Turbo Brown




Elizabeth Sparks'-Birds pottery dish

Elizabeth Sparks’- ‘Birds’ pottery plate




Ernabella Ceramics, Derek Jungarrayi Thompson – SOLD ,’Atila I (Mt Conner)’


Stoneware with sgraffito, H 81.5cm




Ernabella Ceramics, Derek Jungarrayi Thompson –  ‘Wanampi II’

2014, stoneware with sgraffito, H 45.5cm



Arone Meeks




Ernabella Ceramics, Pepai Carroll – ‘Walungurru I’

2015, stoneware with sgraffito, H 55cm



Eternal vigil-Karen Casey-1988-NGV

‘Eternal vigil’ – Karen Casey





‘Fish and Storm Clouds’ (Guyi Na Ngawalngwal) –Lin Onus




Carole Foster – ‘Cattle Muster’

Acrylic on canvas

Manyung Gallery Group


George Djelminy---Flying Fox Dreaming--1968

George Djelminy — ‘Flying Fox Dreaming’





‘Ghost Gum, MacDonnell Ranges’ — Albert Namatjira




Handmade pottery Fruit Bowl – June Smith

Photo Michael Grealy



Jack Dale-~-Wandjina,-2007

Jack Dale-~-‘Wandjina’



jilamarini-tirrintirri-burdekin-ducks-Janice Murray--three-colour-sugar-life-and-aquatint-90-x-60cm-edition-of-30_rebecca-hossack-art-gallery

‘Jilamarini Tirrintirri’ (Burdekin Ducks) – Janice Murray

90-x-60cm — Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery



Japara the Crab Eater-Ainslie Roberts

‘Japara the Crab Eater’ – Ainslie Roberts



Jennifer Mullett-Iinterior Landscape-II--2003

Jennifer Mullett – Iinterior Landscape-II



Camel Racing

Outback Camel Races



Charlie-Tjapangati -- Australlian aboriginal artist

Charlie Tjapangati



NGV Kwementyay Kngwarreye's-Big yam Dreaming

Kwementyay Kngwarreye’s ‘Big yam Dreaming’



Indigenous abstract Now Time Portal-2-Arone Meeks

Indigenous abstract ‘Now Time Portal-2′ – Arone Meeks



Libby McKinnon---Glenn Romanis -- Echinda-Footprint---Colac Community

Libby McKinnon & Glenn Romanis mosaic — ‘Echinda-Footprint’

Colac Community




Lin Onus- —‘Garkman Na Minguli’




Lin Onus-Dawn at Barmah Forest-1996

Lin Onus – ‘Dawn at Barmah Forest’



Lin Onus--Evening reflections-Barmah Forest

Lin Onus  – ‘Evening Reflections Barmah Forest’



Lin Onus--'Fish and Lillies Dingo Spring

Lin Onus — ‘Fish and Lillies Dingo Spring’



Derek Jungarrayi Thompson,-Ernabella Ceramics,-Kungkarangkalpa-II,-2015,-Stoneware,-H-52.5cm


Derek Jungarrayi Thompson, ‘Kungkarangkalpa-II’

2015, Stoneware,-H-52.5cm

Ernabella Ceramics



Lyerrtjina (budgerigar)-2016-by-hermannsburg-pottery-Judith-Pungkarta-Inkamala

‘Lyerrtjina’ (budgerigar) – Judith Pungkarta Inkamala

2016 Hermannsburg Pottery



Manharrngu mortuary rites---David Malangi--1966

‘Manharrngu mortuary rites’ — David Malangi





Martin Boyd, vintage vase



Nyunmiti Burton-–-‘Ngayuku ngura-–-My Country’

Nyunmiti Burton -–- ‘Ngayuku ngura-–-My Country’



Margaret Preston Sholhaven Gorge painting

Margaret Preston ‘Sholhaven Gorge’



Penny-Evans--Gorrogarah binjdil overcast Tea tree Creek dish


Penny Evans–Gorrogarah Binjdil overcast Tea tree Creek dish



Aboriginal art on bark Narritjin Maymuru--Marrngu the Possum--1969

Aboriginal art on bark – Narritjin Maymuru– ‘Marrngu the Possum’

1969, NGV



Moon Vase-Kangaroo-journey painted by Koruna (Suzi-Gaughan)

Moon Vase-Kangaroo Journey painted by Koruna (Suzi Gaughan)



Nat Ward-Nailcan Hill landscape painting

Nat Ward – ‘Nailcan Hill’

Manyung Gallery Group



Nyapililngu,-ancestral spirit woman of the Manggalili--Narritjin Maymuru-1969--97

‘Nyapililngu, ancestral spirit woman of the Manggalili’ — Narritjin Maymuru




Pachatata Dreamtime Sisters--Colleen Wallace Nungari - Australian indigenous art

‘Pachatata Dreamtime Sisters’ — Colleen Wallace Nungari



Paddy Freddy Puruntatameri---Jilamara--1992

Paddy Freddy Puruntatameri —  ‘Jilamara’





Paul Roget



Johnny Warungula Tjupurrula -- abstract Idigenous painting

Johnny Warungula Tjupurrula

Johnny Warungula Tjupurrula was one of the founding members of the Western desert Aboriginal art movement. He was an extremely innovative artist who depicted traditional ceremonial ground designs as abstract depictions on canvass and board.


Australian mythical art--The Death of the Moon Woman---Ainslie Rroberts

‘The Death of the Moon Woman’ –— Ainslie Rroberts




Peter Coad - White Swan

Peter Coad – White Swan



PCoad_Southern Boobook Study bush owl

Peter Coad – ‘Southern Boobook Study’



‘Big Wet’ – Arone Meeks




Purrukuparli ngirramini-Harold-Porkilari--1992--Melville Island,-Northern Territory

‘Purrukuparli ngirramini’ – Harold Porkilari

1992–Melville Island,-Northern Territory



Renita Stanley---'Malilanya'---Outstation-Gallery---Aboriginal-Art-from-Art-Centres

Renita Stanley—‘Malilanya’

Outstation Gallery



APY Lands artists



Robyn Latham-ceramic vessels

Robyn Latham ceramic pod vessels.

Forged with the elements, earth, fire, water, air and space, the patina of the works is created from a terra sigillata slip and then saggar fired in she-oak leaves. Importantly, the She-oak tree is sacred to Yamatji women.

Shepparton Art Museum



Robin Kankaankatja-indigemous art

Robin Kankaankatja



Robert Kelty ceramic art

SAM Ceramic Art Awards – Robert Kelty




Shellie Christian_Bird Totem sculpture

Shellie Christian  – ‘Bird Totem’



Shirley Purdie

Shirley Purdie



Stephen Bowers---Australian-Bravura-Original-Ceramic-Artist

Stephen Bowers



Tarisse King---‘The Land’

Tarisse King—‘The Land’



Tjimpuna Williams,-Ernabella-Ceramics,-Tali---Sand Dunes,-2015,-Stoneware,-H-47

Tjimpuna Williams, Tali—Sand Dunes

2015,-Stoneware, H-47cn

Ernabella Ceramics



Thrive-Yellena James underwater ocean theme indigenous art

‘Thrive’ – Yellena Jame



Turbo Japingka---Black Cockatoos painting

Turbo Japingka—‘Black Cockatoos’



Tjunkaya Tapaya

Tjunkaya Tapaya



'Dreamtime'-glass vases by Chris Pantano

‘Dreamtime’ glass vases by Chris Pantano



Tiddalic Fountain Mural – Glenn Romanis

Thornbury, Melbourne



Vicki Cullinan-Lines----APY lands

Vicki Cullinan – ‘Lines’

APY lands




Arthur Boyd – Aboriginal Hunting Scene plate



Vintage kangaroo sgraffito vase

Vintage kangaroo sgraffito vase



Wandjina-1980---Alec Mingelmanganu-(c1905-1981)-Australia

‘Wandjina’ — Alec Mingelmangan



Pepai-Jangala-Carroll ceramic glazed vase

Pepai Jangala Carroll ceramic glazed sgrafitto vase

Height 30cm



Yinipunga,-the sacred totemic turtle--Narritjin Maymuru painting on baark

‘Yinipunga, the sacred totemic turtle’ — Narritjin Maymuru

Natural pigment painting on bark





Corona Kahunna



tiki carving

Kahuna Tiki  statue


Like a mantra, the words Corona Kahunna kept popping up during my early morning meditations. After contemplating this and some tiki images, it became apparent to me that the kahuna tiki was usually depicted with a look of defiance, humour and as a warrior, so I figured the message was to adopt a stance of detachment and being in control as opposed to succumbing to the collective virus fears and uncertainty. Bottom line is, if you find yourself having to battle this oppressive virus, a positive attitude and mindset will be highly supportive for your immunity and survival.


Ocean Tiki

Ocean tiki


the descending dark mist

grinding grist to the mill

meets the grinning tiki

who dismisses with defiant shrill



Tiki warriors---Pu`uhonua O Hōnaunau

Tiki warriors—Pu`uhonua O Hōnaunau



Lemon scented tea tree in my garden (right)


During a session with my Chinese acupuncturist/herbalist, he mentioned how in China, sachet herbs are currently being used with masks to assist breathing and help repel pathogens. Without knowing the Western equivalent of these herbs it was difficult to pursue this any further. But my intuition was pointing towards rosemary, lavender, fresh lemon scented teatree leaves and cinnamon. With further investigation I discovered that this was very similar to the ancient Four Thieves formula (see below) which I now use to enhance my breathing. I already practice deep yogic breathing, with each breath starting from the expansion of the abdomen, but the scented oils help encourage this and acts as a reminder to maintain it. This strengthens the Chung Chi( defence chi) against the Sha Chi (attacking Chi), in this case the external pathogens. Fortunately, apart from the cinnamon, I have access to these herbs in fresh form in my local neighborhood, but I also sourced them in organic oils. I use these with a cloth insert if I choose to wear a mask.

The British Army has issued a spray with Citriodiol,  derived from the oil of Eucalyptus citriodora, or lemon eucalyptus. (link)



The plague doctor


Nostradamus spent several years as a Plague Doctor in France and Italy and used herbs and salves for protection and he didn’t fall to the pestilence. They used gloves, hat and mask of smooth morrocan leather with a satin robe, believing the virus couldn’t latch on so easily or penetrate. Also the beak was filled with the fresh herbs of rosemary, rose, lavender, cinnamon, cloves, lemon  eucalyptus and carnations. There was 2 small holes in the beak from which they drew up air through the herbs. For me, the image of this unusual looking outfit always carries an impression of dread.


Cuban youth-wearing homemade sequinned mask

Cuban youth wearing homemade mask




Trader Dick’s Tiki Mug



Viola Frey, Man and His World,-1994, ceramic

Viola Frey, ‘Man and His World’

1994, ceramic sculpture



Tiki Farm -- stone head tiki mug

Tiki Farm — stone head tiki mug



Tiki Farm — stone head tiki mug




Venice Beach wall art — Ponywave




Ceramic Kahuna mug – Tiki Farm



Social Distancing




Social separation  —  Niki de Saint Phalle among her Nanas

Galerie Alexandre Iolas, Paris 1965



Sigita & Ricardas Lukosiunas-'Tea Break

Sigita & Ricardas Lukosiunas ‘Tea Break’ quarantine



Turquoise Tiki Boy

Turquoise Tiki Boy – Tiki Farm



Bust of a King   – Kish East, Sasanian Period (AD 224 – 637)




Tiki Farm,-Haka’iki Tiki vessel



Pygothis ceramic head - Cheryl Tall

‘Pygothia’ ceramic head – Cheryl Tall



George Segal's Walking Man-,-1966------Horst-P-Horst

George Segal’s Walking Man

1966 Horst-P-Horst



Pu-uhonua-o-Honaunau-National Park--Hawaii

Pu uhonua o Honaunau National Park


I find large trees are a wonderful contemplation for deep breathing as are dolphins.


Glazed terracotta Dolphin




Photo – Aanthony Wallace




Pocket Kahuna Tiki Farm-2004-Ceramic Flask Cobalt Blue-Designed by Squid

Pocket Kahuna Cobalt Blue Ceramic Flask

Designed by Squid for Tiki Farm



Wood carved Kahuna Tiki Bar

Wood carved Kahuna Tiki Bar



Hyattsville street mural

Hyattsville street mural



Black veil – Horst P Horst



Metal roll guard

Metal armour roll guard


Muertos Tiki



Isolation – Elya Innocent



Home Bound – Elya Innocent



Sky Device  – Micheal Leunig ( click to enlarge)



Da big kahuna waikiki ceramic mug Tiki_Farm

Da big kahuna waikiki ceramic mug — Tiki Farm




Crazy Al Evans- Hei tiki mug

Crazy Al Evans – Red Hei Tiki mug




Art Deco terracotta statue and Jacaranda Plant

Art Deco terracotta statue and Jacaranda.

Even my front door jacaranda plant is reminding me to mask up





A boy plays in front of a mural by Yuriel P called ‘Marcha Hacia la Oscuridad’ (Move Toward Darkness)



Wood Kahuna Tiki mask

Kahuna Tiki mask



MCM art tiki wall panel

MCM art tiki wall panel



Two tiki’s


The virus challenge

My daughter came down with a fever and spent a horrendous night dealing with its severity, where she used high doses of Vitamin C to subdue the fevers. After a week of exhaustion and weakness she recovered. A week later my oldest son also became feverish, had an aching body and dry cough. He took some Yin Chiao tablets, (popular Asian herbal formual), then went with the Japanese remedy of powderd Kudzu root simmered with an umeboshi plum in water, grated ginger and shoyu, consumed as a soup to boost his immunity. Later this was followed by taking Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan, also a traditional Chinese herbal formula, which has currently been used in China and Taiwan  but needs a consultation with a TCM doctor to obtain it. He also drank organic coconut and cucumber juice (not chilled) to replenish his fluids..  The latter herb formula probably had the most tangible effect on regulating the fever. He recovered without any debilitating fallout after a few days.



Here is a collection of traditional Asian folk food remedies for the lungs


Turnip – steam a whole turnip and eat it. An ancient remedy, popular along the silk road.

Figs – steep fresh or dried figs in boiling water, drink as a tea. Helps to lubricate the lungs.

Olives – eaten fresh or boil 5 olives with 150 grams of fresh radish, consume as soup – a flu remedy

Fresh watercress, consume with soup.

“Silver ear soup” – white fungus (jelly mushroom or white tree ear} soak mushroom for 12 hours, add honey and steam and drink on an empty stomach.

Mulberry cough remedy to lubricate the lungs.– cook on low flame till they dissolve and are reduced to thick syrup, then add honey (organic preferably) – 2 teaspoons 2 times daily

Dry cough – grind walnuts and pine nuts, add honey – slowly cook over low flame until thick, take 2 teaspoons daily with warm water

Crysanthenum tea to detox and clear liver heat ( indirectly helps lungs)

Chronic cough – Combine peanut, jujube dates and honey – make a tea and drink two times daily. The Taoists loved to eat peanuts for longevity because they had unique minerals which their plants obtained from deep feeder roots.

Mung bean, celery, wakame soup is excellent for clearing internal heat problems. Eaten on a regular basis, try to eat at least once a week.

Seaweed, eucalyptus leaves, red capsicum boiled in water for 30 miutes, inhale the vapours. Used in Spain during the Spanish flu.

Pear – cored and steamed – eat 3-4 times daily – if you have cold extremities or diarrhea this is not recommended

Persimmon – stops coughing, dissolves sputum, clears heat

Strawberry  –  mash strawberry with brown sugar, steam and eat three times daily – relieves dry cough and sore throat.

Tea made from dried orange peel helps release stuck mucous. Lubricates lungs.

Water Chestnut helps relieve cough and  phlegm


Foods for the lungs and the 5 Elements


According to the Chinese Five Element theory, the white colour is important for the lungs. Foods included in this category are asparagus, barley, leeks, lima beans, tofu, white sesame, spring onion and rice.

Also to fortify the lungs strengthen the Earth and Water Elements with your diet.

Earth (Spleen-yellow) supports Metal (Lungs-white) – useful foods –  corn, beets, silverbeet,(these have a distinct earthy fragrance), carrots, broad beans, braised beef, yellow squash, fresh green field peas, millet and ginger. [The Earth Element helps tp balance all the other elements which is why one of the master points in acupuncture therapy is Tsu San Li (St36), which is the Earth point on the Earth meridean.

Water (Kidneys–black)  – mushroom, black sesame, black rice, black bean, eggplant, seaweed, pork.

Fire  (Heart-red) controls Metal (Lungs-white) – useful foods – apple, cherries, strawberries, red capsicum, red beans, tomato



Using decor to boost the earth element   – After dividing the floor plan of whole home into 9 equal sectors, favour the middle sector with earthy tones, especially ochre, also adding azure blue with dashes of red and black. The middle is where the Earth element is situated as is Neptune (azure). White highlights also helps the lungs.


Azur decor with earthy tones

Earth Element decor



Marcello Fantoni vases






If my number rolls the wrong way on this Corona roulette, I’m going out rockin’

Live studio jammin’ from the Isley Brothers in 1977

“Shoot your best shot and keep on living”




Aussie rockers Thirsty Merc




Sources:  The Tao of Nutrition  –  Maoshing Ni, The Art of Long Life – Henry C Lu