Vintage Uzbekistan visuals – Max Penson



Uzbekistan tea shop-Photographer-Max Penson

Uzbekistan tea shop – Photographer Max Penson


Born in Belarus in 1893, Max Penson moved to Tashkent, Uzbekistan in the 1920’s. He was initially employed as an an art teacher in Kokand but moved to photography after acquiring his first camera in the early 20’s. He eventually became a photojournalist noted for his photographs of Uzbekistan, where he visually documented the economic and cultural transformation of Uzbekistan from a highly traditional feudal society, into a modern Soviet republic between 1920 and 1940.
His remarkable images include the establishment of collective farms, irrigation of arid lands, development of the paper industry and silk production, introduction of cotton growing, liberation of women and their entry into the workforce, and the education of children. Penson recorded these historical changes and contributed regularly to the Soviet TASS agency. He also worked for Central Asia’s largest newspaper, Pravda Vostoka, in Tashkent.
Uzbekistan declared its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991



White porcelain-statue-decoration-Uzbekistan

White porcelain statue decoration




Max-Penson-uzbek-industry photo

Uzbekistan industrialization


'Three girls' descending stairs- Max Penson

‘Three girls’ – Max Penson


Mihrab water irrigator - Maz Penson

Water irrigator  (Mirab)



Decorative metal work

Uzbek metal artist


Max-Penson photo -- Uzbek-painter with her art

Uzbek painter with her art


Max-Penson-Farhadstroy-construction Uzbekistan

Max Penson – ‘Farhadstroy’

Pearson documented the construction of the 270-kilometers long Grand Fergana Canal, which was built by hand by 160,000 people with a Pharonic scale of production in only forty five days.




Max Penson -- In the garden in front of the Palace of Pioneers.

Max Penson — ‘In the garden in front of the Palace of Pioneers’



Max-Penson head shot

Max Penson



Uzbekistan large ceramic pots

Large Uzbekistan pots used for wine production?



Max Penson---Uzbek athlete

Max Penson—Uzbek athlete


Mirab irrigator--Max Penson

Mirab irrigator — Max Penson



Two girls at a party - Max Penson

Two girls at a party  –  Max Penson



Uzbek musician-Uzbekistan-photo-Max Penson

Uzbek street musician — photo Max Penson



Mountain backdrop--Max Penson

Background mountains  –  Max Penson



Uzbek Narrator-Max Penson photo

‘Narrator’ – Max Penson photo


Sculptor Khaidarov at work - Max Penson

Sculptor Khaidarov at work – Max Penson


bas relief of Shota Rustaveli--photo Max Penson

Bas relief of Shota Rustaveli — photo Max Penson


A young man and a girl on a motorcycle - Max Penson

Couple on a motorcycle – Max Penson



Pottery vase decoration - by Max Penson

Pottery vase decoration by Max Penson



Uzbek girls doing gymanistics

‘Gymnasts’ — Max Penson


In field--Max Penson Soviet tractor ploughing field

‘In field’ — Max Penson



Fruit harvest - Max Pearson

‘In the Garden’  —  Max Pearson



Walking a tightrope - Photographer-Max-Penson

Kanatahodets (Darvaz)  Photographer-Max-Penson



Karnay is calling for work - Max-Penson

Traditional Karnay trumpeters stirring the workers – Max Penson



Kids on the carousel--Max Penson

‘Kids on the carousel’ – Max Penson



Sculptor Krasovsky---Max Penson

Sculptor Krasovsky—Max Penson



Max-Pearson-portrait wearing traditing clothing

Max Penson wearing traditional garb


Max Penson---farm-tractor in field

Max Penson—farm tractor in field



On the Red Square---Max Penson - a large Lenin monument

‘On the Red Square’ — Max Penson


On the set of 'Khoja Nasretdinov' movie -Max Penson

On the set of ‘Khoja Nasretdinov’ – Max Penson



Steamroller and Uzbek riding donkey - Max Penson

‘On the Street’  –  Max Penwson



Uzbek tea break – Max Penson



Uzbek Plowman

Uzbek Plowman  – Max Penson



Uzbekistan brickmaking - Max Penson

‘Rhythms’ — Max Penson



Sands of the desert---Max Penson-- a man walking on a sandune

‘Sands of the desert’ — Max Penson



Sower--Max-Penson - sowing seeds in a Uznekistan field

‘Sower’ — Max Penson



Steelworker--Max-Penson a man working in a steel mill

‘Steelworker’ — Max Penson



Tamara Khanum--photo by Max Penson -- a textile artist

‘Tamara Khanum’ — photo by Max Penson



Garden tea house – Max Penson



Three--Max Penson -- three men doing a crossword

‘Three’ — Max Penson


The-girl-is-an-Uzbek girl with national bread on a tray---Max Penson

Uzbek girl with national bread on a tray—Max Penson


Two dancers - Max Penson

‘Two dancers’ – Max Penson



Two old men -- Max Penson - two Uzbek men with beards

‘Two old men’ — Max Penson



Uzbek female performers

Uzbek female performers


Field worker – Max Penson



Max Penson---Uzbek Scholar studying text

Max Penson— ‘Uzbek Scholar’



Tajik girl playing dutar,-1899,-Russian Empire

Tajik girl playing dutar

1899, Russian Empire



Ancient structures of Uzbekistan restored to their former magnificence


oldest standing medressa in Central Asia, which served as the model for all others, is the Ulugbek medressa Kalon Minaret. Built in 1147, and reaching 47 metres high

The oldest standing medressa in Central Asia, which served as the model for all others, is the Ulugbek medressa, The Kalon Minaret was built in 1147, and reaches 47 metres high.

Lights burned in the tower at night to guide the camel trains on the Silk Road to its location.



Mosaic corner pillar. Tamerlane mosque, town of Shakhrisabz

Mosaic corner pillar at Tamerlane mosque, in the town of Shakhrisabz


The Path Less Ridden




Shakhrisabz mosaic decoration

The Path Less Ridden



Samarkand-Sher-Dor-medressa restoration

Samarkand Sher Dor medressa turquoise fluted dome



Shah-i-Zinda Necropolis, Samarkand

The Path Less Ridden



Rich mosaic tiles at Shohi Zinda,, Samarkand

Rich mosaic tiles at Shohi Zinda,, Samarkand

The Path Less Ridden



Shohi Zinda rich mosaic wall panel

Shohi Zinda rich mosaic wall panel, Samarkand

The Path Less Ridden


Tilla-Kari Medressa, Registan, Samarkand

Tilla-Kari Medressa  (Islamist school), Registan, Samarkand

AdamJiaoshi (flickr)



Ceramic wall decoration - Samarkand

Ceramic wall decoration – Samarkand

The Path Less Ridden


Samarkand mosque

The Path Less Ridden


Samakand mausoleum, Uzbekistan

Samakand mausoleum, Uzbekistan



Tilla Kori Madrasah, Registan Square, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

The Path Less Ridden



Tillya-Kori, medressas - Ragistan

Tillya Kori medressas – Ragistan

The Path Less Ridden


Kalta Mino minaret, a squat turquoise tiled structure-Khiva

Kalta Mino minaret, a squat turquoise tiled structure

Khiva, Uzbekistan


Madrassa Nadir Divan-Beghi, Bukhara



Hoji Nasruddin,-a‘wise fool’ from Sufi storytelling

Hoji Nasruddin,- a ‘wise fool’ from Sufi storytelling



Shohi Zinda tiled facade--Samarkand

Shohi Zinda tiled facade–Samarkand



Amir Temur Square-Tashkent

Amir Temur Square – Tashkent


Uzbek ceramic plates

Rich turquoise and blues of Uzbek ceramics plates



Bodomzor_Station Uzbekistan Tashkent


Bodomzor Station in Tashkent, Uzbekistan – the first Underground Station in Central Asia






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1 Comment

  1. Thijs Nel
    Posted October 29, 2018 at 7:57 pm | Permalink

    Thank you! Wonderful photographs. Such clarity…communicating on all levels. “A good image says more than a thousand words”

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