Camille Faure Art Deco Vase – 1920’s
This post isn’t about environmentally friendly pottery, but simply about clay objects that that have the colour green. Not that ” green ” enviroware isn’t worthy of being mindful about. The gemstones of aquamarine and jade are related to the planet Neptune and hence the colour green is associated with this planet along with its actual aqua appearance. During the middle of 2011, Neptune completed its first orbit of the Sun since its discovery in 1846. This took 165 years and astrological tradition believes that the full force of a planet doesn’t occur until it has fulfilled its first orbit.
The ancient Egyptians acknowledged the existence of Neptune and called it Nu and similar to current beliefs believed it was connected to deep subconscious impulses, dreams, mystery, intuition, creativity,idealism and the abstract.. At the time of its discovery it was transiting through the sign that it rules ( Pisceas ) where it has enhanced powers and during this time the Impressionist movement took shape. Art moved away from the literal representation of form and structure, replacing it with a dreamlike “impressionistic” use of colours and textures. The most conspicuous characteristic of Impressionism was an attempt to accurately and objectively record visual reality in terms of transient effects of light and colour.
Classically trained Édouard Manet ( 1832 – 1883) decided he wanted to capture impressions more immediately in one sitting with his models and developed brush techniques to realize this. He painted in patches of colour which was later adapted by other impressionists like Monet and Renoir, breaking up Manet’s colour patches into much tinier patches, flecks, and dabs of colour. Without adopting Manet’s alla prima (“at once”) technique they couldn’t have painted fast enough to capture the shifting effects of light. The much slower application of layers was replaced by a mercurial, intuitive choice of colours which added vibrancy to their art. At the Cafe Guerbois near Manet’s studio, he was the unofficial head of the twice-weekly meetings, which included Monet, Renoir, Degas, Alfred Sisley, Émile Zola, Paul Cézanne, Camille Pissarro, and others to pioneer this new impressionistic style. Their early camaraderie was probably needed to survive the early rejection by critics of their radical impressionism.
Claude Monet describing his shift in focus to another painter –– “When you go out to paint, try to forget what objects you have before you — a tree, a house, a field. . . . Merely think, here is a little square of blue, here an oblong of pink, here a streak of yellow, and paint it just as it looks to you, the exact color and shape.” He believed in following his intuitive perception and first impressions. Among the Impressionist painters, Claude Monet seemed to be the most “rebellious” in the eyes of the critics during that time, preferring to work outdoors then in the studio ( most artists at the time rarely vestured beyond the studio ) . His passion was to capture the scenes of the countryside as well as the scenes of everyday life–considered simplistic by his critics.
Impressionistic like textures and colour styles can occur naturally when firing pottery, especially with the techniques that have an unpredictability to them like Raku , where the mystery seems to lead to an ethereal appearance. Now that Neptune, the cauldron of the imagination , has had its first birthday and returned to Pisces for the next 14 years , it will be interesting to see what new art styles manifest.
Emili Biarnes Studio Art Pottery Sculptural Modernist Vase Vessel
Van Briggle
Vince Pitelka clay marquetry pitcher
Sylvac green glazed pottery jug -1960
JUGENDSTIL ( German Art Nouveau ) ceramic, Gmunden
Fruit bowl carried by a putto. { Lessing Archive }
Grueby gourd shaped vase
Adrienne Fierman
Song Dynasty porcelain pillow
Paul Dachsel Amphora Vase
( Treadway Toomey Galleries )
Charlotte Rhead Ceramic Tile ( Meridian Gallery )
Large Oribe Sculptural vase by Kato Yasukage
Robert Yellin Gallery
Mid-Century ceramic vessel – Palshus, Denmark
Moorcroft Chapada Sun Conure Vase
Catalina Vase
Hayne Bayless
Christy Knox juice pitcher
Raku vessel
Earthenware tray by Joseph Théodore Deck
( Detroit Institute of Arts )
Weller Fru Russet urn/vase
( Pats Pots )
Antique Portuguese Palissy Snake Vase
Song Dynasty Celadon Vase
Melville P. White for Gates Potteries (TECO) , Illinois , “Chrysanth
Anne Ginkel ovoid vessel
Roseville Montacello vase
Lis Holt ( NPA )
Musee D’Orsay Paris
Meisenthal Cristallerie Vase- France
Please, note that the correct name of the glas factory in Lorraine where E. Gallé started his glass career is MEISENTHAL, with one “L” only. The correct name for the St. Amand potter is Henri de VALLOMBREUSE (ca 1856-1919), and not Vallombrosa.
Fiquei absolutamente fascinada!