Category Archives: Ongoing post updates

Awesome ceramic art feed


Contemporary, ancient, classic, vintage, inspiring, original, outstanding ceramic art 



Jacques Kaufmann


28 November – 21 December 2018

Erskine, Hall & Coe are featuring Jacques Kaufmann’s first exhibition in London, comprising over seventy works in stoneware, porcelain, slate and mixed clays, made between 1990 and 2018.


Jacques-Kaufmann----ceramics--Erskine-Hall and Coe

Jacques Kaufmann



Jacques Kaufmann



Erskine, Hall & Coe Ltd
15 Royal Arcade
28 Old Bond Street
London W1S 4SP

+44 (0) 20 7491 1706
[email protected]


Taxile Doat, Sevres   1920’s


Glass, Textiles, Lacquer & Ceramic’

Current exhibition at London’s Erskine, Hall & Coe until 21 November 2018

Featuring glass sculptures by Ritsue Mishima, indigo dyed textiles by Shihoko Fukumoto, and a beautiful lacquer sculpture by Toshimasa Kikuchi. accompanied with a selection of tea bowls by Hiro Ajiki, Ryoji Koie, Shozo Michikawa, Yasuhisa Kohyama, Tatsuzo Shimaoka and Shiro Tsujimura.

Opening Hours, Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 6pm


Indigo dyed textiles by Shihoko Fukumoto

Indigo dyed wall hanging textile by Shihoko Fukumoto




Glass sculptures by Ritsue Mishima

Glass sculpture by Ritsue Mishima




Lacquered wood sculpture by Toshimasa Kikuchi.



selection of tea bowls by Hiro Ajiki, Ryoji Koie, Shozo Michikawa, Yasuhisa Kohyama, Tatsuzo Shimaoka and Shiro Tsujimura.

Selection of tea bowls by Hiro Ajiki, Ryoji Koie, Shozo Michikawa, Yasuhisa Kohyama, Tatsuzo Shimaoka and Shiro Tsujimura.


International Ceramic Art Exposition

Erskine, Hall & Coe are delighted to be participating in the International Ceramic Art Exposition at the Gardiner Museum in Toronto, Canada. This inaugural event is part of the museum’s annual fundraiser, New + Now and celebrates emerging artists as well as Canadian and international ceramics. The works we are contributing to this display include an early tea set and porcelain and manganese vase by Lucie Rie, a dark earthenware sculpture by Gordon Baldwin and some porcelain vessels by Sara Flynn.

The exposition will be held at the Gardiner Museum at 111 Queen’s Park, Toronto, M5S 2C7 Canada, and will be open on Friday, the 16th of November from 10am – 6pm, and Saturday, the 17th from 10am – 3pm.


Gordon Baldwin ceramic sculpture

Gordon Baldwin ceramic sculpture




Lucie Rie-vintage tea-set

Lucie Rie teapot, pourer with cup and saucer



Lucy Rie-manganese trumpet vase

Lucy Rie flared vase



Sara Flynn Irish ceramics

Sara Flynn



Celebration of Seagrove Potters Gala 2018


Friday Nov 16th, 2018 Gala 6-9 PM – Catered Reception, Live Music, Collaborative Auction

The local Seagrove artists have joined together to create an evening to celebrate Seagrove Potters artistry and craftsmanship in this annual show.

Celebration of Seagrove Potters 2018  Friday Nov 18   – Sun Nov 20

Indoors at Historic Luck’s Cannery 798 NC Highway 705. Seagrove, NC 27341 (1/2 mile South of Traffic light in Seagrove, NC



Large ovoid vessel - Mark Hewitt on-tales-of-red-clay rambler interview

Large ovoid vessel – Mark Hewitt




Lidded-Jar-by-Samantha-Henneke--Bulldog Pottery

Lidded Jar by Samantha Henneke–Bulldog Pottery



Twin handled large drip glaze vase, Windsong Pottery

Windsong Pottery, NC



Sara Flynn exhibition

3 – 25th October, 2018


Erskine, Hall & Coe
Gallery Opening Hours

Tuesday – Friday: 10am – 6pm

Saturday: 10am – 6pm (during exhibitions only)


Irish-born sculptor and ceramicist Sara Flynn is having her exhibition of new work in porcelain and bronze at the London gallery of Erskine, Hall and Coe



Flection Vessel  —  Sara Flynn



Irish ceramicist Sara Flynn



Sara Flynn-Flection-Vessel,-2018-porcelain contemporary

Sara Flynn sculptural ‘Flection Vessel’, 2018 porcelain contemporary



Sarah Flynn Irish ceramics

Contemporary ceramic vessels – Sara Flynn


Erskine, Hall & Coe Ltd
15 Royal Arcade
28 Old Bond Street
London W1S 4SP

+44 (0) 20 7491 1706
[email protected]



Marinbunga Thunderstorm,-Tanami Mapping III---Pippin Drysdale---Sabbia Gallery

‘Marinbunga Thunderstorm’, Tanami Mapping III—Pippin Drysdale

Sabbia Gallery, Sydney



Denise and Peter Orlando,- arge Decorative Vase, Cream White vase

Denise and Peter Orlando large Decorative Cream White vase, 60’s

1st Dibs



Caved stone dice for ancient game called Bo

Caved bone 14 sided dice for ancient game called Bo, 2300 BC

Egyptian astrology had 14 planets, 7 for the day and 7 for the night. Maybe its related



Jim Robidson with his slab built landscap vase 2015

Jim Robison with his slab built landscape vase




Hinrich Kroger is having a new Exhibition  — S.I.C.K. —  during the Berlin Art Week
Saturday, September 29, 2018 from 5pm to 8pm
Atelier Hinrich Kröger
10119 Berlin, Gipsstrasse 13





Chinese-Antique-Blue Lacquer Snuff-Bottle carved ceramic

Turquoises blue lacquer carved ceramic Snuff Bottle



Qing Dynasty,-18th Century Ivory Snuff with botanical motif

Qing Dynasty, 18th Century Ivory crackle glaze Snuff Bottle


see more atExquisite snuff bottle art’ (veniceclayartists)



1001 Pots

Val-David, Québec, Canada

Running till 12th August, 2018


1001-pots exhibition, Quebec

1001 Pots


1001-pots exhibition, Quebec




Shamai Sam Gibsh

‘Shadow and Smoke’ exhibition — 3rd August to 29th September —

Plinth Gallery, Colorado

See works from exhibition here


Shamai Sam Gibsh ceramic bowl

Shamai Sam Gibsh landscape bowl




Historic Spring - James Day -- -June,-2011-Clay relief carving

‘Historic Spring’ – James Day, June, 2011

 Clay relief carving




Louise Madzia face mug with thick handle

Louise Madzia face mug

See more here



Exhibition — 21st June 2017 — 15th July

Ulundi House, Portswood Square, Portswood Ridge, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town


Lucinda Mudge-Pikachu Pixel Vase-2017

Lucinda Mudge- ‘Pikachu’ Pixel Vase – 2017



Lucie Rie Exhibition  —  27 June – 20 July 2018


Erskine, Hall & Coe — Ceramics + Modern Art

The show will consist of works that span over six decades, from rare pieces made in Vienna in the early 1930’s to beautiful bowls made in Rie’s Albion Mews studio in London in the late 1980’s.


Erskine, Hall & Coe Ltd
15 Royal Arcade
28 Old Bond Street
London W1S 4SP

+44 (0) 20 7491 1706
[email protected]


Flared lip vase – Lucie Rie

 circa 1980s – Photographer Jane Bown.



Lucie Rie----Earthenware vessel

Lucie Rie




Lucie Rie-Carved Vase,-1960s

Lucie Rie – Carved Vase




21st Les Journées de la Céramique 


110 ceramic artists from France and internationally at the Parisian ceramic festival

Thursday 28th June – Sunday 1st July, 2018



Les-journees-de-la-Ceramique poster



Manon Clouzeau--ceramic bowl and lid

Manon Clouzeau–ceramic bowl and lid



Raphaël Meyer Ceramic anagama fired sculpture

Raphaël Meyer —  ceramic anagama fired sculpture




Gwenaël Hémery--footed ceramic sculpture

Gwenaël Hémery — footed ceramic sculpture



Monika_Debus-Form, 2015 ceramic sculpture

Monika Debus  – ‘Form’  2015


See more here – Les Journées de la Céramique 


Weekend ceramic exhibition – June 23 – 24


Catherine-White--Warren-Frederick exhibition



summer-2018-Catherine-White footed vessel with hydrangia

Catherine White footed vessel with hydrangea

Summer 2018



Catherine-White--Warren-Frederick--- ceramic vessels

Catherine White & Warren Frederick





As part of the FOREST 2018 Artists’ Course,

the Galerie de LÔ presents a sober, colorful, surprising, poignant, amusing ceramic expose … Two weekends of discoveries, small and big pleasures assured with 12 ceramists and 1 cabinetmaker exposed!

JUNE 16/17 & 23/24 from 14H> 18H

The Gallery At Workshops
1190 Forest, Belgium



Qihui Huang ceramic sculpture

Qihui Huang ceramic sculpture – Galerie de L’O



Fabienne Withofs--Galerie de L'O

Fabienne Withofs — Galerie de L’O



Nathalie-Doyen--Galerie de L'O

Nathalie Doyen — Galerie de L’O


Eliane-Monin-ceramique-Galerie de L'O

Eliane-Monin — Galerie de L’O



AK Art Gallery-Eleni Kolaitou-large deep clay with crystal-bowl

Eleni Kolaitou- large deep clay with crystal bowl

AK Art Gallery



Toshiko Takaezu, ceramic double spout Vase

Toshiko Takaezu, ceramic double spout Vase



French Accolay duel vase - vintage

Vintage French Accolay duel vase




Celebration of Clay 2018
‘Contemporary Ceramics – Informed by Tradition’


This exhibit is coordinated with the Taos Spring Arts Festival. “Spring Arts” in Taos and is a celebration that showcases visual, performing, and literary arts of the community. Four galleries on Kit Carson Rd will be co-hosting this years’ show.

Copper Moon Gallery, Diana Miller
DAFA (David Anthony Fine Art), David Mapes
Total Arts Gallery Inc., Emily Wilde
Wilder/Nightingale Fine Art, Rob Wilder


Taos, NM Celebration of Clay 2018



Sheryl Zecharia contemporary Blue Pot

Sheryl Zecharia — ‘Blue Pot’

Celebration of Clay 2018 



Three raku cones - Baikal ceramics - Elena and Igor Tavolzhanskiy

3 raku cone vessels  —  Elena and Igor Tavolzhanskiy – Baikal ceramics.

Irkutsk, Russia



Traditional Russian figurine - Elena and Igor Tavolzhanskiy - Baikal ceramics.

Elena and Igor Tavolzhanskiy – Baikal ceramics.



Jean Cocteau---Orphée à la lyre-16in--diameter

Jean Cocteau— ‘Orphée à la lyre’ charger



Kirchner, Léger, Scully & more – Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein


Extended until 7 October 2018

Hilti Art Foundation is showing thirty-six selected paintings and sculptures from its internationally renowned private collection.The exhibition starts on the lower ground level with a section devoted to an exploration of the human form, and more specifically the female form. The depictions of women by Lehmbruck, Hodler, Picasso, Léger and Laurens show life in full bloom and at its most beautiful. Also a sculpture in contrast by Alberto Giacometti. The other floors include  paintings by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Max Beckmann, works by Kandinsky, Klee, Dubuffet, Imi Knoebel, Gotthard Graubner and Sean Scully.


Alberto Giacometti's sculpture Quatre femmes sur socle (1950), Eddy Risch © Hilti Art FoundationKunstmuseum Liechtenstein

Alberto Giacometti’s sculpture ‘Quatre femmes sur socle’ (1950),

Photo Eddy Risch © Hilti Art Foundation

Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein


Henri Laurens’ Flora -- Photo Eddy Risch © Hilti Art Foundation 

Henri Laurens’ ‘Flora’

Photo Eddy Risch © Hilti Art Foundation

Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein



Loewe Craft Prize 2018


at the Design Museum, London

 UNTIL 17 JUNE 2018





Shelf -- Jennifer Lee ceramic vessel

‘Shelf’ — Jennifer Lee — winner Loewe Craft Prize 2018

 Pale, Shadowed Speckled Traces, Fading Ellipse, Bronze Specks



Takuro Kuwata – Tea Bowl 2017 — Special mention




‘Barkskin’  —   Irinia Razumovskaya, Russia

Stoneware, porcelain, glazes




Ceramic and Ferrari red car paint – Ann Van Hoey





Vivid Sydney —  Light, Music & Ideas Festival

Friday 25 May 2018 to Saturday 16 June 2018



Snugglepot & Cuddlepie, Vivid, Sydney


Vivid Sydney--Friday 25 May 2018 to Saturday 16 June 2018 , Sydney Harbour

Sydney Harbor – Vivid




African Uphiso by Jabu Nala burnished vessel

African Uphiso by Jabu Nala  – burnished vessel




Rosemary McClain--Paprys Motif Flower-Vase

Paprys Motif Flower Vase – Rosemary McClain



Gabrielle Richardson- large sgraffito vessel

Gabrielle Richardson- large sgraffito vessel



Sunday 13th May Ceramics in Charnwood’,
Loughborough Market Place. LE11 2TN

A dedicated ceramics market with over sixty potters and ceramic artists selling their work, exciting demonstrations and potters supply stand in the lovely market town of Loughborough, UK. 10am – 4.30pm



Ceramic sculptrre - Tawny Owl by Lynn Hazel

 ‘Tawny Owl’ by Lynn Hazel



Dish and vase -- Dragonfly pottery by Gill McMillan

Dish and vase — Dragonfly pottery by Gill McMillan – exhibitor at ‘Ceramics in Charnwood’, 2018

Gill throws and turns on a potter’s wheel. While the clay is half dry she draws and cuts out the design. After bisque firing, wax is applied to resist the glaze, copper carbonate is painted where desired, and the glaze is applied. The pieces are fired to 1260°C.  Liquid metallic lustres are painted on, and then fired again to 700°C.



Three elegant vases Gill McMillan

Gill McMillan



Steve-Smith-Knights -- two knights in full armour

Steve Smith- ‘Knights’

– exhibitor at ‘Ceramics in Charnwood’, 2018



‘Birds’ by Debbie Barber

– exhibitor at ‘Ceramics in Charnwood’, 2018




Red-figure squat lekythos with molded clay reliefs of Triptolemos, Demeter and Persephone, ca. 375–350 B.C.GreekAttic

Red-figure squat lekythos with molded clay reliefs of Triptolemos, Demeter and Persephone

ca. 375–350 B.C.GreekAttic


Surfer Vase by Australian artist Gerry Wedd

‘Surfer Vase’  —  Gerry Wedd



Faux wood vase  --  Granjeanx Jourdan

  Faux wood vase  —  Granjeanx Jourdan , Vallauris

Cérart Monaco



studio pottery plate by Clyde Burt , three skeletal figures on a speckled glaze

60’s plate by Clyde Burt , three skeletal figures on a speckled glaze



2018 European Stone Stacking Championship in Dunbar, Scotland

2018 European Stone Stacking Championship in Dunbar, Scotland



Carole-Young-Bold-Vase--Spectrum-Gallery with hand painted flower decoration

Carole Young —  ‘Bold Vase’

Spectrum Gallery, Essex, CT



Claudine Burns Smith - Spectrum Gallery - -Vase-With-Handles-Brown

‘Vase With Handles Brown’  —  Claudine Burns Smith

Spectrum Gallery



Kaye Poulton_Showcase 17 photo by Sarah Werkmeister

Kaye Poulton — ‘Showcase 17′ –  Shepparton Art Museum

Running till May 2nd 2018  —  photo by Sarah Werkmeister


Spinach and russet jade mountain-group,-19th century--carved-in relief with scholar painting

Spinach and russet jade mountain group, carved in relief with scholar painting

China 19th century



Oregon Potters Association 36th Annual Show & Sale


April 27-29, 2018
Showcase Directory

Oregon Potter Association Ceramic Showcaase

Click to EXPAND


Brenda Scott teapot and cups

Booth 32 – Ceramic Showcase 2018



Princess+Yaegaki--Jan-Rentenaar ceramic figurine

‘Princess Yaegaki’ — Jan Rentenaar ceramic figurine

Booth 86 – Ceramic Showcase 2018



Eric-Astoul Fremch ceramicist

Eric Astoul


Red jug/vase Theodor Bogler design for Staatliche Majolika Manufaktur 1954

Theodor Bogler red vase/jug design for Staatliche Majolika Manufaktur, 1954

Blue vase  Anne Feuchter for Schawelka, Weimar , 1950




Vases, 1956. Germany. Anne Feuchter-Schawelka.

Anne Feuchter for Schawelka, Weimar



Replica  of  Venus of Willendorf  – Werkstätten, Germany

 Venus of Willendorf is one of the most famous archaeological finds in Austria and was built around 25,000 BC



Gallery Weekend Berlin 2018

from 27 to 29 April shows — Atelier Hinrich Kröger / Volkskunst Berlin


Atelier Hinrich Kröger
Tel: +49 (0) 1621038018
S-Bahn Hackescher Markt, subway Weinmeisterstraße, tram M1 M2

Atelier Hinrich Kroeger, Berlin



Poodle ‘Jean Paul Ecstacy’  — Atelier Hinrich Kroeger




Open Studio – Aimee Brewer/James Diem/Yvonne Pepin-Wakefield/Melanie Thompson – 20-21-22 April 2018

Gorge Artists


Aimée_ Brewer ovoid vase

Aimee Brewer

Gorge Artists



Pitcher – Aimee Brewer

Gorge Artists


James Diem ceramics

James Diem

Gorge Artists


Yvonne Pepin-Wakefield_Angels-figurine

Yvonne Pepin-Wakefield

Gorge Artists


Melanie Thompson

Gorge Artists


Seagrove, NC Spring Pottery Tour April 21-22, 2018


Visit over 55 participating shops and galleries located within a 20 mile radius of the town’s center. Throughout this historic pottery community you can meet the artist, see demonstrations, tour workshops, kiln sheds, listen to music and purchase freshly made pieces of Seagrove pottery!



Benjamin Burns ceramic platter NC

Benjamin Burns ceramic platter NC, USA



Takuro-Shibata North Carolina pottery

Takuro Shibata, Studio Touya

North Carolina


Seagrove, NC



Levi decorating, Michael Mahan Pottery

From The Ground Up



Daniel Johnston Pottery NC three lidded ceramic vessels

Daniel Johnston Pottery, NC


Emily Gardiner contemporary black and white sculpture

Emily Gardiner contemporary black and white sculpture

Nature Lab



Alain Ficho--Flat Crystalline Vase with curved base

Alain Ficho–Flat Crystalline Vase, France



Yui Tsujimura - globular bottle vase on wood base

Yui Tsujimura – globular bottle vase



Ceramic art of the Earth — Taoist perspective


Pottery is basically born of the earth and its essential production reinforces its inherent Earth element due to the firing process. Fire enhances earth according to the ancient Taoist five element theory and Earth balances all the other elements. The Earth season arrives four times a year at every season change in an attempt to re-balance and maintain order and has a duration of  one month each time. Our solar system was created from a massive centrifugal thrust and the Earth is still in motion from this beginning. The potters wheel replicates the same centrifugal force to push the clay into form making the humble pot stand as a statement of the balance in our primal creative power and elements




Genuine Iga flower vase, Momoyama Period (1573-1615) Collection of Tokyo National Museum

 Iga flower vase, Momoyama Period (1573-1615)

Collection of Tokyo National Museum



Angus His, France




IMAX Benigna Large Vase

Imax Benigna wide floor vase




Teplitz Amphora - handled vessel, bulbous form with a blue and white forest scene,

Teplitz Amphora – gold handled vessel, bulbous form with a blue and white forest scene



British Ceramics exhibition —


Featuring 20th century and contemporary British studio pottery by Gordon Baldwin, Joanna Constantinidis, Hans Coper, Ruth Duckworth, Ian Godfrey, Gwyn Hanssen Pigott, Ewen Henderson, Jennifer Lee, Lucie Rie, James Tower and John Ward.

 26 April – 26 May 2018
 Erskine, Hall & Coe
15 Royal Arcade 
Monday – Friday 10am – 6pm
Saturday 10am – 6pm (during exhibitions)
 tel +44 (0)20 7491 1706 –  [email protected]


Gordon Baldwin (b. 1932) Massive blue bowl, 1991earthenware, painted coloured slips and glazes, 53.5 cm diameter

Gordon Baldwin – Massive blue bowl – earthenware, painted colored slips and glazes

1991 –  53.5 cm dia

 British Ceramics exhibition



Ian Godfrey (1942­1992)Flask with Beast, 1970s stoneware, 14 x 17.5 cm

Ian Godfrey – ‘Flask with Beast’, 1970’s stoneware

14 x 17.5 cm

 British Ceramics exhibition



John Ward------Bowl and vase-stoneware,-36.5-x-25cm

John Ward—— Bowl and vase – stoneware


 British Ceramics exhibition



Jennifer Lee Pale shale, bronze specks, haloed granite bands, rust flashing, tilted shelf, 2017 handbuilt coloured stoneware, 27.4 x 15.7 x 14.5 cm

Jennifer Lee  – Pale shale, bronze specks, haloed granite bands, rust flashing, tilted shelf

2017 –  handbuilt colored stoneware, 27.4 x 15.7 x 14.5 cm


Lucie Rie (1902­1995)Cupporcelain & white glaze with manganese rim, 8.3 x 6.4 cm

Lucie Rie footed cup – porcelain & white glaze with manganese rim

1902­-1995  — 8.3 x 6.4 cm


Lucie-Rie (1902­1995) Early Tea Set,

Lucie Rie Early Tea Set

“If one should ask me whether I believe to be a modern potter or a potter of tradition I would answer,. I don’t know and I don’t care. Art alive is always modernno matter how old or youngArt theories have no meaning for mebeauty has. This is all my philosophy. I do not attempt to be original or different”. – Lucie Rie



Ruth Duckworth ceramic sculpture

Ruth Duckworth ceramic sculpture




Harpocrates, the young Horus, son of Horus the Elder and Isis,-sitting on a lotus

Egiptian statue – Harpocrates, the young Horus, son of Horus the Elder and Isis, sitting on a lotus



Jane Murray Smith -- Dragonfly Pottery

Jane Murray Smith — horsehair ceramic bottle vessel

Dragonfly Pottery


Japanese-cloisonne-plate with phoenix motif

Japanese cloisonne plate with phoenix motif



Makoto Yabe Havard Arts---40th-Anniversary-Invitational

Makoto Yabe Havard Arts




Dragon stone China


Lorna Bailey contemporary Neo Deco


Lorna Bailey Puffin bird



Mata Ortiz & Casas Grandes Pottery

Ola – Mata Ortiz & Casas Grandes Pottery



Raku, cerámica, escultura, Juan Canfield,-escultor-Cuernavaca-México-2014,-RAKU-www-casacanfield-com

Raku, cerámica, escultura, Juan Canfield

Mexico, 2014



Scheurich 'Sailboats' 248-50 Fat Lava Floor Vase on custom built stand

Scheurich ‘Sailboats’ 248-50 Fat Lava Floor Vase on custom built stand




Tania Rollond-vit17 abstract ceramic sculpture

Tania Rollond cubist perspective ceramic sculpture



Cobalt-blue-snail art of Ukraine (Anya Stasenko, Slava Leontiev)

Purple and gold hand painted snail  – Anya Stasenko, Slava Leontiev




Mid Cenrtury Scheurich---vase-brutalist

Scheurich — brutalist vase



Adam Posnak--square bowl in red, black and white

Adam Posnak–square bowl




Akira Satake ceramic vase Ikebana

Akira Satake small ceramic vase Ikebana



Antique German Character Beer Stein portly Monk

Antique German Character Beer Stein portly Monk



Bede Clarke---Small Yunomi cup

Bede Clarke—Small Yunomi footed cup



Darien Pullen -- bull standing on globe sculpture

Darien Pullen — bull standing on globe sculpture




Diane Berner - Raku duck sculpture

Diane Berner – Raku duck


Eclpise basket-Dragonfly Pottery

‘Eclpise basket’ – Jane Murray-Smith

Dragonfly Pottery



Mino ware Oribe style serving dish early 17th century Momoyama or Edo period Stoneware with Oribe glaze and iron decoration

Mino ware Oribe style serving dish early 17th century Momoyama or Edo period

Stoneware with Oribe glaze and iron decoration



Three Giants: Kamoda Shoji, Matsui Kosei, Wada Morihiro


Joan B Mirviss Gallery, NY is presenting an exhibition of the contemporary Japanese ceramic works of well known artists Matsui Kosei (1927-2003), Kamoda Shoji (1933-1983) and Wada Morihiro (1944-2008), all major innovators in the scheme of 20th-century Japanese ceramics. This is the first exhibition outside Japan for all three of the clay artists on view, and is running till the 20th April, 2018.

39 East 78th Street
Suite 401, New York, NY 10075

Telephone (212) 799-4021

Kamoda Shoji was pivotal in transforming the aesthetic appreciation of modern ceramics in Japan, awakening the entire conservative traditional ceramic world to a new vision of the concept of ‘function’. Matsui was involved in developing the technique of neriage (an intricate combination of colouring clay) and Kamoda and Morihiro were the early pioneers of moving away from traditions such as the use of classical motifs.


Three Giants exhibition- Kamoda Shoji, Matsui Kosei, Wada Morihiro

‘Three Giants’ exhibition- Kamoda Shoji, Matsui Kosei, Wada Morihiro



Matsui Kosei - Neriage brush rubbed large vessel 12 by 17 inches

Matsui Kosei – Neriage brush rubbed large vessel

12 by 17 inches  Japan



Samarkand ovoid neriage vase-Matsui Kosai

Samarkand ovoid neriage vase – Matsui Kosai



Three-Giants-of-The-North Kamoda Shoji ceramic vase

Kamoda Shoji, Japan



Turbulent Ocean globular neriage vessel - Matsui Kosei

‘Turbulent Ocean’ globular neriage vessel – Matsui Kosei



Wada Morihiro -Fluttering banners patterned waterjar Japan ceramics

Wada Morihiro – ‘Fluttering banners patterned waterjar’



Wada Morihiro - Sanmonki cedar patterned pyramidial vessel

Wada Morihiro –  Incised ‘Sanmonki cedar patterned pyramidal vessel’



Wada Morihiro Saido-sanmonki-'Colored-slip-Cedar-patterned'-vessel---14-inches

Wada Morihiro Saido-sanmonki – ‘Colored slip Cedar patterned’ vessel

Height 14-inches







Evolving ceramic arts




T.A.C Colenbrander vase, Netherlands




Elisabeth Schmidt-Pecht

Konstanz, Germany, 1900

 I added these first two vases because I consider them to have a highly innovative design relative to the date of their production.


Art of clay


Just as our Earth gifts a perpetual abundance of malleable clays and minerals that can be transformed into expressive forms, displaying a wide variety of natural colours and textures, ceramic artists keep discovering more creative possibilities for the malleable substance. The fact that clay vessels, as vehicles of consumption, are sourced from the same earth that our basic sustenance arrives from is a reassuring harmonic and maybe a reason of its enduring appeal.
Clay provides a natural, decorative medium that is a receptive, three-dimensional canvas, that readily absorbs paint, is durable and responds readily to manipulation and shaping. Over the ages the use of pinch pots, wheel throwing, coil construction, slab building and moulding have been stalwarts of clay production methods and are still used to craft functional and decorative wares. A tactile odyssey of various surface finishes is rendered possible by the available materials and firing processes, delivering an array of surfaces ranging from coarse textures arising from glazes that are frothy, bubbling, foaming, fissured and jagged to smooth, even and flat surfaces.
Using further enhancement after manipulation of form with techniques like incision, glazing, reduction firing, carving, slips and engobes leads to endless possibilities. It is to be expected that ceramicists quite often draw inspiration from nature and explore the inherent natural colours and textures in clays and create forms that look organic.
Here we examine some recent contemporary innovations in the ceramic arts and also look at some classic antique and vintage pieces.


This post will feature ongoing updates loaded from the top.



Zuni Indian Pottery Hand-Coiled-Frog Seed Pot-by Marcus Homer

Zuni Indian Pottery Hand-Coiled-Frog Seed Pot by Marcus Homer



Gourd art Whitney Peckman botanical decoration

Gourd art Whitney Peckman



Venaktum West German Pottery mid century

Venaktum West German Pottery



Mikhail Fomiryakov Vase Waterfall 2000 incised ovoid vessel with twin lugs

Mikhail Fomiryakov ‘Waterfall’ Vase




Helen Martino slab built vase with abstract splatter decoration

Helen Martino vase



Elizabeth Fritsch, Quantum Pocket II,-1992, Geometric cubist pattern

Elizabeth Fritsch, ‘Quantum Pocket II’




Clare-Wakefield-ceramic vase

Sculptured vase – Clare Wakefield, England

Clare Wakefield Ceramics




Derutamajolica-etsy---virgins-klim ceramic tile

Derutamajolica-etsy — ‘Virgins Klimt’ hand painted ceramic



Peter-Fitzgerald---Bemused- sculpture --SculptGallery

Peter Fitzgerald — ‘Bemused’  carved sculpture



The 1930 'Egyptian Maidens' mural by Elsa Vick Shaw, a Cowan artist, was recently restored

Recently restored  ‘Egyptian Maidens’ ceramic mural by Elsa Vick Shaw, a Cowan artist



Betty Woodman


Bettty Woodman was one of the first females to blaze a trail into the male dominated world of pottery in the 50’s. She developed her craft making dinner sets and decorative crockery, but from the 1950’s onwards, she moved into the realm of sculpture. Her unrestrained, spontaneous and vibrant pieces now occupy museums and art galleries globally. At the age of 85, Woodman is still creating work in her studios in Chelsea in New York and a farmhouse in Tuscany. Her ideas appear while she is making rather than while sitting, thinking and planning. The more she creates, the “more I am inspired and the more one thing leads to another. I’m not interested in repeating myself.”


House-of-the-South,-Betty Woodman-glazed-earthenware,-epoxy-resin,---MET

‘House of the South’ – Betty Woodman

Glazed earthenware, epoxy resin, – 1996 – MET



David-Kordansky-Gallery--BEtty-Woodman sculptured pottery

‘Vases and Girls’ – Betty Woodman


David Kordansky Gallery


David Kordansky GalleryTea Ceremony - 4 Parts, 1984, glazed earthenware, epoxy resin, lacquer, paint, - Betty Woodman

‘Tea Ceremony – 4 Parts’, 1984, glazed earthenware, epoxy resin, lacquer, paint, – Betty Woodman

David Kordansky Gallery



‘Roman Fresco Pleasures and Places’ – Betty Woodman

2010,  American Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy


Rose et Noir Pillow Pitcher,Betty Woodman - glazed earthenware,epoxy resin,,lacquer, paint David Kordansky Gallery

‘Rose et Noir Pillow Pitcher’  —  Betty Woodman

glazed earthenware, epoxy resin, lacquer, paint

David Kordansky Gallery



BETTY WOODMAN=-HisHers Vases River Viewing Studio Screen, 2004, glazed earthenware, epoxy resin, lacquer, paint, 29 x 72 x 9

Betty Woodman  —  His/Hers Vases River Viewing Studio Screen, 2004,

glazed earthenware, epoxy resin, lacquer, paint, 29 x 72 x 9 inches



BETTY WOODMAN Piattaia,-2014,-glazed-earthenware

 ‘Piattaia’, Betty Woodman

2014, glazed earthenware, epoxy resin, lacquer, paint, canvas, wood, 65 x 60 x 12 inches

David Kordansky Gallery


The-Portuguese-in-Japan,-2000 by Betty Woodman

‘The Portuguese in Japan’ by Betty Woodman




Tanzania, 2014, glazed earthenware, epoxy resin, lacquer, paint, cement, Height 34inches by Betty Woodman

‘Tanzania’, Betty Woodman, 2014

Glazed earthenware, epoxy resin, lacquer, paint, cement, 34.5 inches

David Kordansky Gallery



Tanzania,-2014,-(alternate-view) by Betty Woodman

‘Tanzania’, Betty Woodman, 2014  (alternate view)

Glazed earthenware, epoxy resin, lacquer, paint, cement, 34.5 inches



Matthew Blakely, UK


Matthews ‘rock glazed’ ceramics represents the personal development of an understanding and a bond with the landscapes of Britain, illustrating the ceramic qualities of the rocks and deposits around the country. His aim is to create another way of looking at the land on which we live by making ceramic pieces that are entirely created from rocks and minerals that he has collected from individual locations. Each piece is an illustration of the ceramic and geological character of that place.


Matthew-Blakely-tall-bottleRain-Jar with blue streaks

Matthew Blakely – tall ‘Rain Jar’



Matthew Blakely – ‘Fractured Jar’



Matthew-Blakely-ceramic-globe-vase with white sideway drip glaze

Matthew Blakely ceramic globe vase with white sideway drip glaze


Matthew-Blakely-=rock-glaze-cup UK pottery

Matthew Blakely




Matthew Blakely  —  Globe vase





Wouter Hoste, Belgium


Wouter Hoster-Meteorite-3

Wouter Hoster – ‘Meteorite 3′ – Meteorite Series 2017

Wouter Hoste




Wouter Hoste Ceramics-Meteorites Arrival

Wouter Hoste Ceramics – ‘Meteorites Arrival’  lamp

Wouter Hoste



Wouter-Hoste-Nostromo-Series ceramic vessels

Wouter Hoste -‘Nostromo Series’

With Gold and Palladium luster details.




Nostromo setting - 'Nostromo 15 Lamp' contemporary decor

Nostromo setting – ‘Nostromo 15 Lamp’. With Gold and Palladium luster details.

Wouter Hoste 2016




Wouter Hoste Ceramics – Lunar Metal Moon sculpture




MOUGIN---vase-art-deco-craquelé with nude female relief

Mougin, France — vase art deco craquelé



Gallery of nature inspired clay sculptures and ceramic art by Babette Harvey

Nature inspired clay sculptures and ceramic art by Babette Harvey



Babette-Harvey--ceramic-plate with dragonfly and flowers

Nature inspired clay sculptures and ceramic art by Babette Harvey



Mariko Okubo, Kyoto


Mariko Okubo---Prayer-2014

Mariko Okubo — ‘Prayer’




Reminisence-2017---Mariko-Okubo ceramic panel

‘Reminisence’  —- Mariko Okubo




Mariko-Okubo-blue vase - Flower Base

Mariko Okubo – ‘Flower Base’


Paul Scott


Paul Scott is a Cumbrian based conceptual artist who remodels discarded ceramic shards to create new iterations. Some are recreated with the ancient Japanese kintsugi tradition of using gold and lacquer to rejoin the pieces or he just combines broken pieces to refresh the context and artistic presentation. His rescued pieces, from a combination of Chinese Willows and other blue transferwares, makes them again appear to be beautiful, functional, and intriguing. He has been Professor of Ceramics at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) since 2011.



Mended ceramic aesthetic - Paul Scott blue and white porcelain

Mended ceramic plate aesthetic – Paul Scott




Cumbrain Blue(s), ‘Fukushima No 5′  —  Paul Scott





Attached ceramic shards on plate – Paul Scott



Cumbrian Blues Collaged Ceramics by Paul Scott

Cumbrian Blues Collaged Ceramics by Paul Scott



Cumbrian-Blues-Collaged-Ceramics-by-Paul-Scott conjoined ceramic plates

Cumbrian Blues Collaged Ceramics by Paul Scott




-jomon-era-ancient vase

 Jomon era ancient pottery vase



Phosphatic glaze splashed brown glazed stoneware jar and cover_tang_TANG DYNASTY (618-907) Christies

Phosphatic glaze splashed brown stoneware jar and cover

TANG DYNASTY (618-907) –  Christie’s



Abstract Sculpture by Lena Arice Lucas - coil built - constructed clay, steel, acrylic

Abstract Sculpture by Lena Arice Lucas – coil built – constructed clay, steel, acrylic



Acadia-3D-printed-sculpture in turquoise

Acadia 3D printed turquoise sculpture with serpent surface





Adam Silverman footed squat jar



Adero-Willard-twin-conjoined-vase with botanical decoration

Adero Willard twin Siamese conjoined  abstract vase



Adero-Willard-contemporary ceramic vase

Adero Willard contemporary ceramic vase




A-Minton-attributed-majolica-two-handled-vase, with arched mermaid handles

A Minton attributed majolica two-handled vase

circa 1859.




Charles Catteau Art Deco vase

Art deco Squirrels vase by charles CATTEAU for BOCH KERAMIS

1923 on Etsy




Orange and black raku pottery vase – Philippe Buraud

la Porte du soleilFrance




Blackbirds-in-our-Trees-large-jar-Rebecca-A. Grant

‘Blackbirds in our Trees’ large jar –  Rebecca A. Grant



Bodenvase Scheurich 546-52 fat lava Keramik Vase with red fish

Bodenvase Scheurich 546-52 fat lava Keramik Vase




Bowl with sgraffito or brushed decoration over slip, by Edwin and Mary Scheier

Bowl with sgraffito or brushed decoration over slip, by Edwin and Mary Scheier




Burial Pottery Detroit Institute of Ar

Greek warriors in battle – Burial Pottery

Detroit Institute of Art



temple clay idols

Clay idols for temple offerings


Dümler & Breiden, vintage  vase/jug Germany

Dümler & Breiden, vintage  vase





Village elder in the Philippines in colourful attire

Village elder in the Philippines responsible for upholding cultural traditions


filipina-selfie-time - four elderly women taking a selfie

Filipino artisans village selfie



Emile-Decoeur-art-nouveau-vase with white slip decoration

Emile Decoeur Art Nouveau vase



František-Drtikol---Nu-au-Vase, ca.1920

Czech Art Deco Nu au Vase,  photo František Drtikol





Funerary portrait of a woman from Palmyra, Syria.

200–250 A.D



Ceramic-abstract figure tile-artist-unknown

Ceramic abstract tile – artist unknown?



Leza-Marie-McVey,-Vessel ca 1949

Leza Marie McVey, Vessel ca 1949




Water-Etched porcelain Cup, Jim Gottuso

In Tandem Gallery




Marcello Fantoni – Mid Century modernist lion vase




Mary Kenny




Mirage Lake_Wayne Higby sculptural vessel

‘Mirage Lake’ – Wayne Higby



Wayne Higby Temple's Gate Pass 1988 glazed earthenware, raku-fired Smithsonian American Art Museum

Wayne Higby ‘Temple’s Gate Pass’ – glazed earthenware, raku-fired

1988, Smithsonian American Art Museum



Naked Raku tumblers - Jane-Murray-Smith-Dragonfly-Pottery

Naked Raku tumblers – Jane Murray Smith

Dragonfly Pottery



raku_14_inch_polar bear by Jane-Murray-Smith

Raku polar bear by Jane Murray Smith

Height 14 inches, Dragonfly Pottery




Aldo Londi Bitossi pottery bird for Raymor –  Mid Century Modern




Naked-Raku---Slip-Glaze---Kris-Pau lhttpwww.dragonfiregallery

Naked Raku—Slip-Glaze—Kris Paul


I specialize in thrown and hand built fine porcelain that has been burnished to a soft polished surface that is fired in a naked raku firing. The firing process is a dance between the porcelain and the carbon atmosphere and it is not until they emerge from the reduction chamber that I know how the surface will appear. There are distinct subtleties within each individual piece that emerge through the process of manipulating the clay.


Pete-Linforth stacked-stone-sculpture

Pete Linforth



Pierre-Boncompain-ceramic vessel with reclining nude female

Pierre Boncompain ceramic vessel with reclining nude female figure drawing



Ricky-Maldonado-pottery on a stand

Ricky Maldonado



Seth-Rainville-ceramic plate with couple

Seth Rainville plate with couple

Rainville’s work delves into two distinct categories… “Rainville-ware” is a functional line of ceramics devoted to the art of entertaining, while his signature “Ink-ware” allows Seth the freedom to explore his desire to be a storyteller.



Seth-Rainville-ceramic-tea-bowl with flying umbrellas

Seth Rainville



Tania Mallet-in-scoopnecked-cocktail-dress-in-italian-strawcloth-by-monbijou-photo-by-Vernier-in-Tourettes Sur Loup-south-of-france-vogue-july-1960

Tania Mallet in pottery studio in Tourettes Sur Loup, South of France

Photo – Vernier, Vogue July 1960



Paris apartment with wall decoration of ceramic pots

Paris apartment (currently on the market) with wall decoration of 100 tiny ceramic pots

Expand with click



Terracotta reclining figure sculpture - Chacmool--Toltec,-Tzintzuntzan,-Michoacin-1200AD

Terracotta reclining figure sculpture – Chacmool

Toltec, Tzintzuntzan, Michoacin-1200AD


Camille-Tharaud-with female pottery painter porcelaine-de-limoges

Camille Tharaud porcelaine de Limoges, France



Camilla-Ward-contemporary-ceramic vase

Camilla Ward



hand painted pottery dish by Nan Hamilton

Hand painted owl dish by Nan Hamilton



Grotell Maija green Vase-1942 - Cranbrook Museum

Grotell Maija green Vase-1942 – Cranbrook Museum



Half Glaze Stoneware---Hand basin---Andrew Walford

Half Glaze Stoneware



Winter Gives Way Ken Eastman ceramic sculpture

‘Winter Gives Way’   —  Ken Eastman — slab sculpture

Marsden Woo Gallery



Tim Andrews trained for a year as apprentice to David Leach

Tim Andrews





créateur-céramiste-2013-2014 Norbert Botella sculpture

 Norbert Botella sculpture





Deruta 16th Century, Large dish with running plant-border




GinsLilCharacters - etsy - Rico the Cheetah---Ceramic Wall Decor

‘Rico the Cheetah’—Ceramic Wall Decor

GinsLilCharacters Etsy


Historic, Contemporary Ohio Pottery At Zanesville Museum Of Art

Historic, Contemporary Ohio Pottery Vase At Zanesville Museum Of Art



Linda Styles uk-abstract motif vessel

Linda Styles ceramics,  uk



Mirta Morigi Contemporary Ceramic green bowl with relief lizard figures

Mirta Morigi Contemporary Ceramic green glaze bowl



Adam Posnak ceramic cup---The Clay Studio

Adam Posnak ceramic cup—The Clay Studio



Carol Wedemeyer arabesque pottery jars

Carol Wedemeyer arabesque pottery jars



Roger Herman vase @Rich Liu TELLES FINE ART

Roger Herman vase @Rich Liu TELLES FINE ART




Bitossi Ceramiche Vase by Aldo Londi

Limited Edition, 2016



Sergei Isupov---Mechanical Dummy ceramic teapot

Sergei Isupov—Mechanical Dummy ceramic teapot



Tapio Wirkkala-white Pollo Vase

Tapio Wirkkala – white Pollo Vase




Jar in stoneware, with about 20.2 cm. tall, produced in the Belgian factory Cérabelga

Stoneware jar produced in the Belgian factory Cérabelga

Height 20cm



Young-Jae-Lee-celadon ceramic-jar

Young Jae Lee celadon ceramic jar


Karin-Gulbran-ceramic cup fish pond decor

Karin Gulbran