Tag Archives: Barcelona

Barcelona Ceramicist Lidia Serra

Whimsy, spontaneity and exuberance are terms I would apply to the famous Barcelonian architecture.  I see this reflected in the works of Lidia Serra. She lives and works with her partner Jose Davila in the small village of  Sant Pere de Ribes, in the south of  Barcelona. Studying at the Ceràmica  a  la  Escola  Massana for 5 years from 1982, she has been a professional ceramicist for 30 years. Her artistic statement :  ” My work responds to a need to express and communicate my vision and particularly of what happens around me.I do not usually use complicated or sophisticated handling of my materials, as it does not seem necessary for my purpose. I feel comfortable using a traditional process. I like to integrate  natural elements that I find into my work such as wood. I enjoy my work.”

Lidia Serra in her studio

Lidia and Jose display and sell their work through fine art and craft galleries and fine art and craft shows around Spain and Europe.



Lidia Serra Plate Plato

Lidia Serra Vessel

Pieze Gr4

 Ventana Semilla

Lidia Srra Branch Vessel Branch Vessel

Lidia Serra Cacharro VaseCacharro Vase

Esculturra  Esculturra



Placa Alagarda Placa Alargarda

Ventana Azul Blue Window 1  ( stoneware and porcelain slips )

 Abuela Cleta

Lidia Serra plate

 Shields ( stoneware,slips and seeds )

Lidia Serra Disco

Disk (stoneware.slips and straw )

 Dos Asas


Australian ceramicist Phil Elson



Porcelain bowl, Green celadon with red copper glaze by Phil Elson
Porcelain bowl, Green celadon with red copper glaze by Phil Elson
Porcelain Bowl Phil Elson



Australian ceramicist Phil Elson creates fine handthrown porcelain tableware, large bowls and teapots. He works exclusively in porcelain drawing on influences from both Eastern and Western traditions and has been  particularly influenced by the beautiful Shino ware of Japan. He has attracted buyers from Japan who appreciate the fine quality and design of his porcelain.
On a trip to Barcelona , studying Baroque ceramics,  Phil was impressed by the Modernist architecture, culture and its lasting vibrancy and he felt this somehow  inspired his pottery art to another level. In Phils own words,” It does seem to happen that you embark on a particular journey with a particular destination in mind, and probably some ideas as to what you will see and experience; perhaps even some idea of what you may bring back with you. The reality however is that the tides and currents have their way with you…your imagined experience is utterly different and turns life as you knew it on its head .”



Blue porcelain bowl - Phil Elson
Porcelain bowl  blue pigment with high nepheline glaze



“At a point in my journey my original intent and imaginings were overtaken as, in Barcelona, I was able to visit with ease the work of Picasso, Miro, Duchamp, Picabia. I was able to walk in the streets as they existed in Roman times. I stood, overwhelmed, in the stunningly beautiful buildings of the Modernist designs of  Montaner (Palau de la Musica Catalana), Cadafalch (Casa Amatller) and Gaudi (Casa Batllo, La Pedrera, Sagrada Familia). I loved how these buildings reached into the air; into the sky about them. They exuded a love of materials, a love of place, a love of life.”
Phil begin his quest to be a ceramic artist in 1981 at the age of 29.  After full time study for a few years he trained and worked with various potters until 1989 when he opened his first studio at Trentham. His current studio, Phil Elson Pottery, in  Castlemaine was opened in 2001.
Over many years Phil’s work has centred around the exploration of the bowl both as a functional form and an object of beauty…bowls of different shape, size and colour…a process he found to be wonderfully enriching as he pursued the evolution of form alongside the development of glaze quality and glaze colour. The sublime results are a testament to his dedication .



deep black shino bowl by Phil Elson
Blended porcelain bowl, deep black shino style interior glaze with iron shino style glaze exterior.
Phil Elson



Phil Elson ceramic bowl
 Phil Elson



Pale blue porcelain bowl by Phil Elson
Southern Ice porcelain rare earth glazes – Phil Elson



In Taoist philosophy they believed a slightly asymmetrical shape is more dynamic than a symmetrical  shape because the asymmetrical object is still striving for perfection.  As opposed to the symmetrical object that had already attained perfection and has no further to go.  ” Better to build near the summit but not on top of the summit.”
Phil Elson ceramic vessels
 Porcelain vessels – Phil Elson



Elegant porcelain bowl by Phil Elson
 Pale beige interior, pale blue celadon exterior – Phil Elson



Phil Elson Pottery---Showroom-Alexanderplatz,-Berlin-2012
 Phil Elson ceramics



Phil Elson throwing a bowl
 Phil Elson in studio



Elegant porcelain bowl - Phil Elson
Porcelain Bowl



 Pale Green Celadon glaze – Phil Elson



Shino glaze bowl Phil Elson
Bowl with grey shino interior, with iron speckled shino exterior.



modern ceramics by Phil Elson
Phil Elson ceramics





Phil’s website : www.philelsonpottery.com