Rosenfield Collection of ceramics


Louise Rosenfield is a passionate potter from Dallas, Texas who makes functional vessels for daily use, preferring porcelain ,which she decorates with patterns and fires in a wood kiln or paints with colour and fires in an electric kiln. She also has  another passion, which is collecting pottery, that she has pursued for several years with her husband David. This evolving collection, currently standing at 1891 pieces from 418 ceramic artists, is intended to represent a diversity of styles, textures and forms from a broad range of artists so as to serve as a valuable reference for budding ceramic creators and collectors alike.  The majority of this collection is from currently active ceramicists. The Rosenfield’s online archive and their documentation and sharing of this private collection is a fantastic gesture to the artistic community and admirers of ceramics.



Sam Clarkson


George Bowes

Michael Comey

Liz Lurie

Andy Brayman

Peter Beasecker

Kari Smith

Wheelthrown – Mid-Range Oxidation

Maria Spies

John Gill

Matthew Metz

Wheelthrown – high-fire salt

Curtis Stewardson :

Pieter Stockmans

Louise Rosenfield

Wheelthrown & altered – Mid-Range Oxidation

Daphne Hatcher

Rob Sutherland

Jerilyn Virden

Wheelthrown –High-Fire Reduction

Christa Assad

Lisa Orr


Monica Ripley

Firing: Mid-Range Oxidation





 See more of the Rosenfield Collection here















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