Contemporary Spanish Ceramic Arts


You only have to look at  architecture of Spain to see how bold and adventurous the Spanish are with their avant garde, abstract and evolving post modern styles. Their passion, impulsiveness and spiritual instincts lend itself to having a natural flair for unique contemporary designs. The likes of Picasso and Gaudi laid down deep foundations for the artists to expand upon and in Spain it is embraced as being culturally enriching and essential for the soul of the nation.
Their ceramics and pottery are blessed with the same flair and creativity.  Here is a collection of Spanish ceramicists that have contributed to their contemporary aesthetics.


Carme Collell



1998 Sinking Blue contemporary ceramic sculpture by Carme Collell

 ‘Sinking Blue’ – Carme Collell   1998

Carme was born in Barcelona in 1951. While studying a Master in Art and Education at New York University, she was introduced to ceramics by Lydia Buzis. . In 1979-80 she went on to study at the ceramics workshop of Josep Collell in Montevideo, Uruguay, along with taking drawing and painting classes with Guillermo Fernandez.  It was here she developed the technique of applying an oiled and burnished slip, single fired at 1080C.

Her work is represented in major collections in Spain and abroad, including: Museum Chateauroux in France, Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Garth Clark Gallery in New York.




untitled, 2003 Carme Collell ceramic form

‘Untitled’, 2003 – Carme Collell

Burnished clay with slips.




Ceramic Sculpture - Dwelling.2010 made by Carme Collell

Ceramic Sculpture – ‘Dwelling’ by Carme Collell




Fish Piece-2,-1997 by Carme Collell

Carme Collell  ‘Fish Piece-2′




Ceramic sculpture Floating-in-blue-.2012 by Carme Collell

‘Floating in Blue’ – Carme Collell




Into the blue.2010 Carme Collell ceramic sculptural art

‘Into the Blue’ – Carme Collell




Red ceramic sculpture--Rosa cúbica roja (2002) created by Carme Collell

Carme Collell – ‘Rosa cúbica roja’ (2002)





 Carme Collell-ceramic-abstract-from-1988

‘Untitled’ 1988




Rust-brown- ceramic-art-Carme Collell

Carme Collell



More  Carme Collell  here –



 Josep Collell



Josep Collell ceramic vessel with abstract cubist motif

Josep Collell




Josep Collell.1973 abstract decorated ceramic spouted vessel

Josep Collell




Josep Collell-pottery Spain Woman with horse motif

Josep Collell




Josep Collell-pieza-constuctiva.-tapered ceramic vessel

Josep Collell


 Miguel Molet

Miguel Molet uses thorough treatment of his clays with polishing during the development of the piece or  terra sigellata  in preparing his pre-fired pots, a technique which has been revived by contempoary ceramicists, from ancient procedures dating back to 600 BC in Greece. He further finishes his pieces with smoking techniques, either naked Raku, carbonation in a closed oven, or simple smoked paper, wood, and other fuels.

website –

Bipolares - Miguel Molet two abstract sculptural pieces in black and white

‘Bipolares’ – Miguel Molet




Contenedores-Miguel Molet three orange ceramic vessels

‘Contenedores 1’ – MiguelMolet




Contenedores-3 - Miguel Molet 3 black and white ceramic sculptures

‘Contenedores 3’ – Miguel Molet




Huellas-3 Miguel Molet $ tapered ovoid sculpture pieces

‘Huellas 3’ – Miguel Molet




Ceramic forms Huevo-2 by Miguel Molet, Spain

‘Huevo 2’ – Miguel Molet




Bol-peces-2 -- sculpture by Miguel Molet

Miguel Molet




plato peces 2 by Miguel Molet

‘Plato Peces 2’ – Miguel Molet




Griegos-1- ceramic plate - Miguel Molet

‘Griegos 1’ – Miguel Molet




Mural01 wall tile mural Miguel Molet

‘Mural 01’  – Miguel Molet




Queso -- elegant sculptural ceramic art by Miguel Molet

‘Queso’ – Miguel Molet




Miguel Molet sculpture

Miguel Molet sculpture – ‘qla Rotary series’ 2009




Angeles-22 by Miguel Molet - sculptural spere

‘Angeles 22’ – Miguel Molet




Anatomía-de-la-forma created by Miguel Molet


Miguel Molet




Cons22 Miguel Molet

‘Cons 22’  – Miguel Molet




Batientes -- two orange contemporary ceramic sculptures by Miguel Molet

‘Batientes’  ceramic sculpture – Miguel Molet



 Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D’abadal



‘Human Flowers – fingers’ –  Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D’abadal




Human-Flowers---nails Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D'abadal

‘Human Flowers—nails’ –  Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D’abadal




Construcciones-5 by Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D'abadal

‘Construcciones-5’ –  Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D’abadal




Dummies contemporary art by Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D'abadal

‘Dummies’ –  Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D’abadal




 Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D'abadal -- Energizing-Stoneware1260c

‘Energizing’ – Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D’abadal

Stoneware  1260c




Swarm-of-mosquitoes stoneware plate by Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D'abadal

‘Swarm of Mosquitoes’  – Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D’abadal

stoneware plate




\477px-330px- Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D'abadal sculpture

Ceramic sculptures -Jordi Marcet / Rosa vila D’abadal


Angeles Velaquez modernist tea set

Angeles Velaquez modernist tea set





“Tree and Earth” – Diego Ecija, 2007
Tribute to the Alcora pottery tradition. The tree, referring to pottery, rooted in the earth, and it thrives. From the first branches arise Potters hands working the clay and decorating around the brush works.




Madola ceramic sculpture





SAMUEL BAYARRI - RAFAELA PARE - ceramic wall panel

Wall Panel – Samuel Bayarri/Rafaela pare




Ceramic wall art - Sponge - Penelope Vallejo

‘Sponge’  – Penelope Vallejo




Winter light, monumental dish by Jose Antonio Sarmiento

‘Winter Light’, monumental dish ( 59cm ) – Jose Antonio Sarmiento




Jose Antonio-sarmiento-Rain

Jose Antonio Sarmiento – ‘Rain’





Dones18.-Teresa Gironés




Esther Galarza Berasueta,ceramic arts

Esther Galarza

477px-354px-Arquitecturas-blandas-by Xohan Viqueira

Xohan Viqueira

( )





Joan Carrillo modern vessel with lustre glaze

Joan Carrillo



Luis Rodriguez teapot in red, orange, white and black

Luis Rodriguez abstract teapot




Mia Llauder abstract ceramic art

Mia Llauder



Pumpkins--Maria-Gelabert - orange ceramic

Raku Pumpkin–Maria Gelabert


Pumpkins---Maria-Gelabert matching pottery vessels





Rafaela Pareja textural white contemporary ceramic sculpture

Rafaela Pareja




Tri legged Sculpture done in chamotada white - Rafaela Pareja

Sculpture done in chamotada white – Rafaela Pareja




437px-203px-Rafaela-Pareja textured white ceramic sculpture

Rafaela Pareja



Teresa Gironés contemporary bust - Lady with mona lisa sunglasses

Catalan ceramicist Teresa Gironès




modernist-mid-century-vase-by- Strandquert with abstract motif of white on orange

 Mid-Century modernist incised red clay vessel signed  Strandquert




Teresa Capeta contemporary ceramic form

Mª Teresa Capeta


Monasterio de Santa Cristin





  1. Mark Palandri
    Posted August 21, 2013 at 10:51 am | Permalink

    Great post on some of Spain’s current crop of ceramic artists. I’ve been living in Spain for a while now, and despite the lack of international (or for that matter, even national) recognition, Spain does have a small but vibrant collection of contemporary ceramic artists putting out some impressive work. It is good to see them getting more exposure.

    One small nit: The piece you have labelled as “Samuel Bayarri Rahaela Pare” is actually just by “Samuel Bayarri”. The extra “Rahaela Pare” you tacked onto the end of his name is probably a truncated version of “Rafaela Pareja”, the name of his wife, another excellent ceramic artist in her own right whose work you show later in your post. They are two wonderful people who have a shared home/studio in a small town outside of Valencia, but have distinctive styles of work; as far as I can tell, they don’t collaborate on pieces.

  2. Posted November 23, 2013 at 5:01 pm | Permalink

    Hello! I am a Greek art dealer, dealing with extraordinary art. I enjoy sharing inspiration and ideas! Please dedicate one minute and follow this link for raku figurines and more ideas:

  3. Markhenery
    Posted December 12, 2013 at 1:31 am | Permalink

    A great article indeed and a very detailed, realistic and superb analysis, of this issue, very nice write up, Thanks.

    Wholesale Spanish Pottery having roots firmly set in Andalucia, Spain where the history of ceramics dates back centuries. Explore our website for more details.

  4. Markhenery
    Posted April 24, 2014 at 1:40 am | Permalink

    I can see that you are putting lots of efforts into your blog. Keep posting the good work. Some really helpful information in there. Nice to see your site. Thanks!At Cactus Canyon Ceramics online store you will find different varieties of beautiful Spanish Ceramics for Sale in usa at affordable prices. We offer sourcing.

  5. Anonymous
    Posted October 2, 2015 at 4:52 pm | Permalink

    Υπεροχα ….. εργα τεχνης ….. συγχαρητηρια !!!!!!!

  6. Posted July 16, 2016 at 5:57 am | Permalink

    Hello! Love your website! I was wondering if you can help us? We have a really nice mid century era pottery peasant women figurine. We believe it to be Spanish or? Could you please email back so we can send you pictures? From the estate of a family that collected Mid Century modern. (You can put it on your blog pages- very cool piece)

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  1. […] was born in Barcelona in 1951, according to her biography on Venice Clay Artists. While studying a Master in Art and Education at New York University, she was introduced to […]

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