Tag Archives: zing-planet creatures

Praying Mantis dancing on Divine Breath



What a remarkable array of creatures with artistically diverse designs our planet has been blessed with




Praying Mantis perilously close to a just trimmed Diosma branch




Morning-sun worship – Minnie and Azure


I could see by the way that Minnie and Azure were relishing the early morning sun that it was shining sumptuously. It looked so enticing it made me extrememly motivated to get in the garden, bathe in some sunshine and do the garden maintenance. My meandering, eliptically shaped diosma bush was in dire need of a trim so I began its manicure with some long secateurs.

To my surprise I noticed that a praying mantis, displaying remarkable courage, had come to say hello while I was chpping away. As I was standing there admiring his/hers delicate form and vivid jade colour, it started vibrating enthusiastically on the branch. Filled with deep wonder, I was then amazed when it began to sway on the branch, rocking side to side, giving me the impression that a breeze was blowing, yet I couldn’t feel any sensation of air movement. I grabbed my phone and took a snap (see above) as a testimony to the Sunday morning celebratory solar shuffle of the praying mantis, who had flirted with its mortality to pay a visit.      


diosma-breath of God

Diosma Confetti Bush also known as Divine Breath




Manicured Diosma shrub with large lemon tea tree in background



Sometimes I use the symbiotic combination of fresh diosma mixed with lemon Tea tree for enhancing my breathing. Another great combo is fresh lavender and eucalyptus leaves.



Mantide Geotermica by Fabiosar



Justin Baker-preying mantis on fence

Justin Baker – praying mantis on a fence with a wondefully shaped triangular head



Another fascinatling encounter with an unexpected green visitor.



Kwan yin statue with visiting cicada

 Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the human World (Kwan Yin translation)


I had just finished wrapping up a photoshoot with a model at my home studio and had decided to unwind and meditate. Gradually I began to hear a clicking sound and when I opened my eyes I noticed a cicada, perched on the third eye of my Kwan Yin statue in front of me. I had never seen a cicada in my home before and as I was wondering how it got there, while also admiring its innate sense of symmetry, it suddenly startled me by flying towards me and brushing me between the eyes. Then it proceeded to walk around me as I was sitting cross-legged on the rug, while still making a clicking sound. Welcome to the mystical cicada world.


Life imitating art



Live green lizard of remarkable resemblance getting acquainted with a brass lizard


After publishing this post, a French ceramicist informed  me about the intriguing visitation of a live lizard coming into her home to sit with her lizard sculpture.




Agile gracile opossum  — Giordano Rossi photo



Art Deco crackled and polychrome decorated ceramic vase with eating deer Royal Boch Keramis atelier Catteau Carlo Bonte

Art Deco crackled and polychrome decorated ceramic vase with eating deer Royal Boch Keramis, atelier Catteau

Carlo Bonte




High flying jay by Lasse Kurkela




Snowy owl — photo by Brian Kushner




Bernard Palissy, 1565-85.

© Victoria and Albert Museum, London.



Flying geese



Alex-Maisey Australian Lyre Bird

Alex Maisey  — Foraging Australian Lyre Bird




Sulphur crested cockatoo—Alison Langevad



Australian water-dragon on rock

Aussie water dragon



Bennetts Wallaby snacking on a Casuarina tree for breakfast in Tasmania

Bennetts Wallaby eating a breakfast snack from a Casuarina tree



rare image of blanket octopus

Rare image of a blanket octopus




Sleeping herd of elephants in Yunnan




@yashasnarayan Wild.Arc leopard reclining

Leopard reclining — @yashasnarayan Wild.Arc




‘Woman with fox’ – Jessie Mooy


Sculpture in faience —I try to express the strong bond that exists between animals and humans in a poetic, delicate and lyrical manner using different clays and firing methods. Animals always speak to us with their eyes.



‘Lady with a wild Cat’  — Jessie Mooy




‘Aren’t I Pretty’ by Con Duyvestyn



Chamaleon symmetry

Chamaleon symmetry




Wompoo fruit dove




Friendly octopus in South Africa



red asasssain bugs

Red assassin bugs



Red cushion sea star off the coast of Belize

Red cushion sea star off the coast of Belize



red-fox by Konsta Punkka

 Red fox – photo by Konsta Punkka



Stacey Manse Knight

Stacey Manser Knight – red fox pourer




Large 10.5 inch creamware vase from Amphora Czechoslovakia



kookaburra at water fountain

Kookaburra at water fountain

Rob Clay photo




 Octopus in the Torre Guaceto state nature reserve

photo by Romano Gianluca


Free riding frog on turtle at Padang Indonesia by photographer Yan Hidayat

Freeriding frog on a turtle at Padang Indonesia

photographer Yan Hidayat


Gran Canaria Island--Juan Ramon Rodriguez

Gran Canaria Island–Juan Ramon Rodriguez photographer




Blue banded bees that use buzz pollination

Blue banded bee  using buzz pollination




Blue crowned Motmot



Brush tailed Rock Wallabies Petrogale penicillata having a tender moment in the Little River Gorge in East Gippsland Jim Reside

Cuddling Brush Tailed Rock Wallabies (Petrogale penicillata)

Little River Gorge in East Gippsland — photo Jim Reside


photo by Touhid Parvez Biplob Chestnut tailed starling Sturnia malabarica Satchari National Park

 Chestnut tailed starling Satchari National Park

photo by Touhid Parvez Biplob



vitorb barbosa photo-ILHA_DE_TRINDADE_-

Trinidad crab — Vitorb Barbosa photo




Aynsley English Bone China Hand Painted Butterfly Tea Cup and Saucer Set



Regal ring-necked snake




Eastern spinebill

Nelson Victoria, — photo by John Eley




An emu wandering thru the suburban streets of Adelaide




Blood pheasant




Kangaroos feasting on fruit




Jamie Smith MorvellBlack faced Monarch MonarchToolangi

Black faced Monarch at Toolangi

Photography by Jamie Smith Morvell



Jimmy DVate also painted theseJimmy DVate also painted these colourful GrainCorp silos in Rochester in Victoria

 Colourful grain silo murals —  Jimmy DVate

Rochester in Victoria, Australia


Jonas Gratzer sea turtle

Jonas Gratzer — slow cruising sea turtle



Jurgen Otto-peacock spider

Jurgen Otto – newly discovered peacock spider with Eastern calligraphic like markings



Giraffe in the foresst hand carved wooden bowls by gordon pembridge

‘Giraffe in the forest — hand carved wooden bowl by Gordon Pembridge



konstapunkka@kpunkkaA Short eared owl and Ural owl

konstapunkka@kpunkkaA — Ural owl



Colorful Lady Gouldian Finch

Colorful Lady Gouldian Finch



Lae-cassowary living dinosaur from Queensland

A Lae-cassowary living dinosaur from Queensland rainforest



Hand crafted Lisa Lloyd Bee

Hand crafted Lisa Lloyd Bee




Swamp wallaby joeys



long legged jacana the jesus bird

Long legged Jacana, known as the Jesus bird because it appears to be walking on water



Martyna Nysk Photography Beauty and her wolfie

 ‘Beauty and her wolfie’

Martyna Nysk Photography


Melbourne street artist Jimmy Dvate known for his depictions of the natural world painted the Goorambat silos in Victorias north

Draught horses mural at Goorambat Silos – painted by Jimmy DVate



Noduled Sea Star Patomarazul

Noduled Sea Star  — Patomarazul




Masked Owl


Barn Owl David Cooke Ceramic Sculptures

Barn Owl by David Cooke Ceramic Sculptures




It’s easy to see why the orange bellied parrot (sitting top middle) loves the flowering gum



Papilio machaon the queen of butterflies

Papilio machaon — the queen of butterflies



Tree hugging goanna also known as a lace monitor



Climbing Goanna in Victoria, Australia



Dragonesque Goanna with Chris Humfrey at Wild Action Zoo




Possum at Boonah Park

Young possum at Boonah Park, QLD




The right handed crab apple poacher. Crimson Rosella

The right handed crab apple poacher –  Crimson Rosella



Shanghai Lao Wu —  Snow Owl



Spilostethus pandurus is a species of ground bug by Flavio

Spilostethus pandurus  ground bug by Flavio



Kangaroo watching an early morning Tasmanian sunrise


Mosaic Pelican seat -- _Bob Sherri Hunter

Mosaic Pelican twin seat — Sherri Warner Hunter

Hacienda Mosaico


relaxingHarbor-Seal---Sherri Warner Hunter

Harbor Seal—Sherri Warner Hunter


Scarlet Banksia -- Nick Monaghan

Banksia coccinea – Scarlet Banksia — Nick Monaghan




Red spotted frog — Rebecca Hillman


chinese porcelain vase table lamp

Chinese porcelain  table lamp



A pair of glossy black cockatoos on Kangaroo Island. Photograph Michael Barth Kangaroo Island

A pair of glossy black cockatoos on Kangaroo Island.

Photograph Michael Barth


Heicomus_Butterfly_cup by Irina S. Zaytceva

Heicomus Butterfly cup – Irina S. Zaytceva



Yosemite squirrel— photo by Chris Hood



@aussieark young Tasmanian Devil

Young Tassie Devil



Australian bustard Barkly Tablelands NT Lisa Nunn

Australian bustard  – Photo — Lisa Nunn

Barkly Tablelands NT



endangered kea is the worlds only alpine parrot

The endangered kea is the worlds only alpine parrot




Natural bird figure cave facade – Kyneton



Martyna Nysk Photography-girl in white dress with donkey

Martyna Nysk Photography



purple-bird - Violet-backed starling

Violet backed starling




William Robinson–Gang Gang cockatoo


Young tiger climbing a tree Ranthambore tiger reserve India Richard Barrett

A young tiger climbing a tree

Ranthambore tiger reserve India, Richard Barrett photo



Large vase with handles in majolica decorated in symbolist style

Symbolist style tiger vase




Marcel Boucher — rare Art deco Praying Mantis brooch

c 1937

1st Dibs



Praying Mantis



Beatrice Wood Centre –

Patrick Crabb – A Search for the Ancients






Ceramic shard Jar by Patrick Crabb

