Tag Archives: Japanese ikebana

Ikebana – vision of transcendence


The Nordic Lotus Ikebana Blog - Birch branches and Cymbidium

Birch branches and Cymbidium

The Nordic Lotus Ikebana Blog





Fruiting branch with NZ flax  —  Pat’s Ikebana

Qld, 2016

The traditional practice of the art of Ikebana was always approached with a mindfulness of the inner sublimity and is also known by the name ‘ofkado’ (way of flowers). Being originally developed by practicing temple monks, the spirit of ikebana has survived the centuries since its beginning and is embedded in Japanese culture. I have included a collection of ikebana arrangements from the Queensland Sogetsu ikebanist Pat Mackie, some examples from the Japanese artist Kawase Toshiro and ikebana created with ceramic vessels from the German ceramicist Jochen Ruth. Additional ceramic vessels that can be used for ikebana arrangements are also featured as well as some Indonesian ikebana form Lusy Wahyudi and friends.


Kawase-Toshiro Ikebana flowers

Kawase Toshiro ikebana, Japan

Spatial awareness is altered by our higher consciousness, which has a distinct and tangible perspective, and this zone is infused into the aesthetic composition of ikebana. The inner calm of meditation flows from a deconstruction of the habitual clutter of the mind and ikebana became a visual metaphor for this refined state of consciousness. Observation of the innate beauty of the natural world from a heightened perspective was also a key influence and encapsulating this into a simple artistic statement was an integral component of ikebana flower arrangement.


Ikebana - Dick-Lehman-pottery

Dick Lehman pottery


The Japanese arts in general have been derived from similar influences to the approach with the ikebama arts and the subtle appreciation of balance and space is ever present. In Zen philosophy there are seven aesthetic principles for achieving Wabi-Sabi.
Yugen: subtly profound grace, not obvious, Seijaku: tranquility. Datsuzoku: unbounded by convention, free, Fukinsei: asymmetry, irregularity. Kanso: simplicity. Koko: basic,.weathered, Shizen: without pretense, natural.
It’s easy to see these qualities also evoked in the ikebana arts.The beauty of ikebana exists as a subtle reminder of the depth of aesthetics and balance in nature and is a fine vehicle for reflecting this with indoor decoration.



Toyohara-Chikanobu-(Japanese-1838-1912)---Flower-Arranging-and-Tea-Ceremony-(1895) Japanese lady creating ikebana

‘Flower Arranging and Tea Ceremony’ – Toyohara Chikanobu (Japanese 1838-1912)


During the Kamakura period (1192 ~ 1333) Ikebana became a form of meditation for Zen Buddhist priests. Floral offerings were placed in front of altars to honor the Buddha and the souls of the dead. These offerings evolved into floral arrangements designed to express the subtle harmony between spirit and matter. Arrangements were originally composed of three main lines of differing height together creating a three dimensional form – the balance between the lines symbolizing the unity between spirit, man and earth.



Japanese Samurai warrior in fighting pose painting

Japanese Samurai warrior painting

The warrior class or ‘Samurai’ brought great lifestyle changes to Japanese society during the Kamakura period, making it fashionable to display Ikebana arrangements in the homes of wealthy townsmen. Samurai would create Ikebana not merely as a flower arrangement but a short-lived structure reflecting man’s own mortality.

“Ikebana is a form of sculpture that exists only within a limited time span, transforms from moment to moment, then perishes.” — Akane Teshigahara

Samurai would live and die like an Ikebana form but their spirit was believed to be eternal. To reach a state of concentration and become centred, Ikebana was consistently performed by Samurai prior to going into battle. Through this connection with nature, the heart and mind were believed to be purified. Ikebana went on to gain substantial respect and appreciation by the imperial and military leaders of Japan in the Momoyama period (1573~1603), celebrated amongst the Samurai.



ikebana-Gunter-Black,-Australia-vessel by Jochen-Ruth

Ikebana arrangement by Gunter Black, Australia, ceramic vessel by Jochen Ruth



Ikebana-Ikenebo-Rikka-Shimputa i- - Lusy Wahyudi

Ikebana Ikenobo Rikka Shimputai by Lusy Wahyudi, Indonesia




Japanese Suzeki Stone




Ikebana Ikenebo Rikka Shimputai---Linda Prasasto

Ikebana Ikenebo Rikka Shimputai—Linda Prasasto



Akira-Satake-ikebana-vase in orange brown finish

Akira Satake ikebana vase


Aya-Sogetsu-school-of-ikebana - yellow flower

Aya Sogetsu school of ikebana





Bauhiinia tree ikebana — One Kind of Branch—2013




Bitter melon and Chilli   — Pat’s Ikebana


Ikebana-Ikenebo-Rikka-Shimputai-----Lusy-Wahyudi - angular vase

Ikebana Ikenobo Rikka Shimputai by Lusy Wahyudi, Indonesia

Lusy Wahyudi – Flickr



Ikebana-Ikenebo-Rikka-Shimputai-------Lusy-Wahyudi Indonesia

Ikebana Ikenobo Rikka Shimputai by Lusy Wahyudi, Indonesia




Goro Suzuki ikebana vessel



Ikebana-Ikenobo-Jhiyuka---Yohanus-Wemphy geometric floral display

Ikebana Ikenob Jhiyuka — Yohanus Wemphy


Ikebana-Ikenobo-Rikka-Shimputai-by-Lusy-Wahyudi-slender red vase

Ikebana Ikenobo Rikka Shimputai by Lusy Wahyudi, Indonesia



Bromeliad flowers-and-leaves-ikebana---2016

Bromeliad and leaves ikebana — Pat Mackie

Pat’s Ikebana, 2016



Pat's Ikebana - Bromeliad-leaves-and-blossom----2016

‘Bromeliad leaves and blossom’ — Pat’s Ikebana




Bunjin-arrangement-Pats-Ikebana yellow flower and driftwood

Bunjin arrangement – Margot Wang

The Bunjin Arrangement is not bound by floral styles, and materials may be freely arranged to express one’s subjective view of plants.  Emphasis is placed on the elegance and poetic nature of rare blooms, shrubs and plants.



dark-silence-in-suburbia-Yo-Akiyama ceramic sculpture

‘Dark silence in suburbia’ – Yo Akiyama



Dineke-Beereboom-Db---Two-Of-A-Kind metal sculpture

Dineke Beereboom — ‘Two Of A Kind’



Emily-Katz ikebana

Emily Katz ikebana

Pura Vida Peartree workshop




‘Eucalyptus branches and Bougainvillea’ – Pat’s Ikebana





Small vintage celadon vase




Gold-Bullion-Tokkuri vessel-Ryota-Aoki

‘Gold Bullion Tokkuri’ vessel – Ryota Aoki



Green ikebana Arrangement--2015

Green Arrangement – Pat’s Ikebana



Bizen stoneware, with the characteristic reddish hidasuki or "fire-marked" pattern,

Bizen stoneware vase, with the characteristic reddish hidasuki or “fire-marked” pattern,



Fukinaga-('From-the-Wind'~ Bonsai ) on wooden base by Vaclav Novak

‘From the Wind’~ Bonsai (盆栽) by Vaclav Novak – Fukinagashi Pinus uncinata



Ovoid Honda aluminium die cast vessel adapted to Ikebana---Utsuwanote

Ovoid Honda aluminium die cast vessel adapted to an  Ikebana display




ikebana display by Anita Haase Schönbeck,-Berlin ceramic vessel by Jochen Ruth

Ikebana display by Anita Haase Schönbeck, Berlin with ceramic vessel by Jochen Ruth

Jochen Ruth Ceramics



Ikebana by Mario Hirama, Japan




Calla lily, pine and bamboo stick

 The Nordic Lotus Ikebana Blog



white flower ikebana by Gunter Black,-Jochen-Ruth vase

Ikebana arrangement by Gunter Black, Jochen Ruth vase



Spring bloom ikebana

Spring blooms ikebana  – Magnolia, snapdragon and succulents



ikebana-Gunter-Black,-Australia-Jochen-Ruth - pink flower

Ikebana by Gunter Black, Jochen Ruth vessel



ikebana by Hans Riester, Berlin ceramic vessel by Jochen Ruth

Ikebana by Hans Riester, Berlin & ceramic vessel by Jochen Ruth



Ikebana-Hans-Riester,Berlin --ceramic pot byJochen Ruth

Ikebana floral arrangement by Hans Riester,Berlin — ceramic vase by Jochen Ruth



Ikebana by Karin Kopp,-Ritterhude Jochen Ruth ceramic vessel

Ikebana by Karin Kopp, Ritterhude & Jochen Ruth ceramic vessel




Ikebana by Karin Kopp & Jochen Ruth ceramic vessel



Burnt orange ikebana-vase-red-zen-georgetown-pottery-

Red Zen  ikebana vase –  Georgetown Pottery




Ikebana by Truus Esther-(Otomodachi)



Ikebana-Ikenebo-Rikka-Shimputai---Lusy-Wahyudi pink and yellow flowers

Ikebana Ikenebo Rikka Shimputai—Lusy Wahyudi



Ikebana-'On-the-way-to-the-top'-(Otomodachi) climbing pink flowers

Ikebana  ‘On the way to the top’ (Otomodachi)



Ikenobo arrangement with wonderful pink blossoming flowers-(Otomodachi)

Ikenobo arrangement with pink blossoming flowers – Otomodachi




Starry Night  ikebana vase –  Georgetown Pottery




James-Oughtibridge-Chocolate-Brown-creased Vase

James Oughtibridge sculptural vase



Japanese-Red Maple bonsai_moss and stone gardens

Japanese Red Maple bonsai

Moss and Stone Gardens



Jochen-Ruth-black glaze vase

Jochen Ruth




Katsunori Sawa



Kurokawa-Tōru---Ceramic sculpture vessel---Mirviss

Kurokawa Tōru — Ceramic sculpture vessel

Mirviss Gallery




Flat round incised vessels – Lamella



Amaryllis, Aspedistra, Sibirian Dogwood.

Hanamai Ikebana – Amaryllis, Aspedistra, Sibirian Dogwood

The Nordic Lotus Ikebana Blog




Leaves only in horizontal arrangement — Pat’s Ikebana





Mihara Ken




Pats-Ikebana--2013 red flowers and large green leaves

Pat’s Ikebana




Pats Ikebana-2016---Vine and giant Allium

‘Vine and giant Allium’ – Pat’s Ikebana



Pats-Ikebana-Bromeliad-and-leaves red vase---2016

‘Bromeliad and leaves’ – Pat’s Ikebana



Peter-Voulkos-ceramic ovoid vessel

Peter Voulkos ceramic ovoid vessel



‘Poinchiana Podas and Ixora’ — Pats Ikebana





Raku Vase Mountain carved — Blue Spruce Pottery



Kawase Toshiro Red Blossom ikebana, Japan

Kawase Toshiro Red Blossom ikebana, Japan



Shino-Suzuku vase

Shino Suzuku vase —Goro Suzuki





red vase Straight-Lines---2016-Pats-ikebana

‘Straight Lines’ – Pat’s Ikebana




Corylus-avelana-contorta, the twisted hazelnut-ikebana

Corylus avelana contorta, the twisted hazelnut ikebana




Shoka shimputai ikebana – Lusy Wahyudi


Zen garden water feature - Tokyotimes

Zen garden – Tokyotimes




Toshiro Kawase - ikebana Japan

Kawase Toshiro ikebana, Japan



Gohua stone moon-Bonsai-Suseki-gold-forest-in-high-mountain on wooden base

‘Gold forest in high mountain’ – Suseki Gohua stone



ikebana-arrangement botanical

Ikebana arrangement



Wood fired Vase-by-Shiho-Kanzaki,-Japan

Wood fired Vase by Shiho Kanzaki, Japan




Ikebana display – The Nordic Lotus Ikebana Blog




Poinchiana-Pods-construction- Pats Ikebana--2015

Poinchiana Pods construction- Pat’s Ikebana



Ikebana-'Leaping-salmon'-by Otomodachi

Ikebana ‘Leaping salmon’ by Otomodachi (flickr)



Pats ikebana-Walking Iris and lilly-2016

‘Walking Iris and lilly’ – Pat’s ikebana





Wattle and Anthurium  – Pat’s Ikebana



Woody-Pear-and-Ixora-Pats-Ikebana-2016 Pat Mackie ikebana

‘Woody Pear and Ixora’ –  Pat’s Ikebana





Yakuza-tattoo figure

Japanese Yakuza tattoo figure


Yasuhisa-Kohyama ceramic ikebana vessel

Yasuhisa Kohyama ceramic ikebana vessel




‘Black Pottery–Moon Trip’  — Yoshihiro Kunikata




Pavel Zamikhovsky 2011


Art-Floral-Ikebana-Mai-Van-Thai-Thomas--red flowers and branches ikebana

Floral Ikebana – Mai Van Thai Thomas



Ikebana--centerpiece-inspiration-flower-vases-flower-plants-Ikebana 'Red and pink fireworks' (Otomodachi)

Ikebana ‘Red and pink fireworks’  cascading Ohara style by Otomodachi




Ikebana Rikka-Shimputai-by-Lusy-Wahyudi

Ikebana Rikka-Shimputai by Lusy Wahyudi



The Nordic Lotus Ikebana Blog

The Nordic Lotus Ikebana Blog